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He gave me a bone chilling smile.

"Luna," he smiled, "how are you?" he placed his hands on his hips.

"I can't believe you," I snapped.

"What?" he placed a hand on his chest in mock hurt. "Do you not like being saved?" he asked.

"I didn't need to be saved."

"I think you did," he looked down at the body crumpled at his feet. He raised his foot back and slung it into the victim's chest. The boy let out a ear piercing scream. "Apollo didn't think so," he sneered.



"I'm your Luna and I demand you to stop," I snapped. He looked at me with his dead eyes before he threw his head back and let out a laugh, when his minions didn't laugh with him he sent them all a glare before they let out small laughs.

"You aren't my Luna anymore," he smirked.

"How could you betray Trent? He trusted you to protect me!" I started to fight against the boys holding me.


My vision edged with red as my instincts started to kick in. "Why do you think I needed to be saved?" I took deep breaths.

He searched my face for a split second before he looked down at the boy on the ground.

"He told me," he motioned to the boy on the ground.

"A little boy told you I needed to be saved from my mate?" I chuckled. "You saw me, you saw I was fine!" I snapped. Richard rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," he waved his hand around. "I did see you and that's why I wanted you for myself."

I felt my heart stop for a moment.

Did he seriously just say that?

"I can't be yours, I'm married to Trent."

"Well once he is dead that won't be an issue," he snapped, spit flew out of his mouth and his eyes turned black.

I felt a lump form in my throat. Trent wouldn't die, he was too strong for that. I would probably die and he would find a new mate. One that didn't cause trouble, one that didn't have rogues on her tail 24/7, and one who's family accepted them.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Richard started to sniff the air, it wasn't subtle either.

"You smell different," he explained.

"I've mated Trent," I responded meekly.

"I knew that but I mean you smell different, different." His black eyes looked me up and down before he moved away from the body and stomped towards me.

I waited for him to hit me but he didn't get a chance because the body he had just beaten started to move. Richard turned on his heel to see the boy who was black and blue sit up. The boy had a familiar look to him. Brown hair and green eyes that matched mine, and a starving frame.

"Alice," the boy choked out. I recognized the voice. It all made sense. They lied to the rogues to get me. Helios was Richard and Apollo was my little brother.

Tears brimmed my eyes in an instant. I had missed the little brat.

"Carl," I choked out. He gave me a little smile before he turned to Richard.

"You need to leave her alone," he growled with the little strength he had. Richard rolled his eyes at Carl.

"Shut the fuck up," Richard growled. I watched as Carl attempted to shift but he failed and soon he collapsed once more.

I didn't get a chance to scream or cry for my brother before the boys tightened their grip on me. I felt myself start to shake as spots started to dance in my red vision. I watched as Richard pulled his arm back and swung it into my face. I felt my nose crunch into my face.

I let out a scream before a river of blood started to flow out of my nose into my mouth. Black spots dotted my vision as a wave of dizziness hit me. My screams were soon cut off when he hit me under my ribs, it knocked all the air out of me. Tears filled my eyes once more and before I was hit in the stomach. I collapsed to my knees before I was once more hit in the face which knocked me out cold.

I don't know how long I was out for but I do remember hearing Trent's voice at some point in my unconscious state.

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed, the blankets felt like sandpaper against my skin. My vision was slightly blurred so I blinked a few times. The room was filled with a white light that hurt my eyes while the beeping of monitors hurt my ears.

I glanced around the room and spotted nobody. I was completely alone. I waited for a few minutes before a man in a white coat walked in with a clipboard. He looked at me with wide eyes almost as he expected to see a dead person in my place.

"Hello Luna," he composed himself.

"Hello," my throat burned. "Where is Trent?"

"He is just in the waiting room, we asked him to leave so we could bathe you but you are awake."

"I want him here."

"Yes Luna."

I sat in silence until Trent barged into the room. He looked angry but relieved. His eyes were wide and his hair was disheveled.

"Alice," he sounded relieved.

I smiled at him as best I could.

"How long have I been out?"

"Two weeks." I felt my stomach lurch. He made his way to the side of the bed and pulled over a chair to sit on.

"What happened?"

"What the fuck do you mean what happened?" he snapped at me. "I came back to check you were safe, I found the front door locked with the back door unlocked and you weren't there." His eyes were slowly turning dark forest green.

"I thought it would be best."

"Best for what?"

"I thought that if I was gone they would leave the pack alone," I bit my lip.

"Well they didn't," he sighed while he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry," I dug my teeth into my lip a little harder. Trent didn't respond, he just dropped his head.

"When were you planning on telling me?" he asked, he sounded hurt.

"Tell you what?" I asked.

"You were pregnant."

What? I was pregnant?

"I didn't know," my lip trembled and I wanted to turn away from him but I had so many things attached to me I couldn't.

"Oh," he whispered.

I bit my lip until I tasted blood, tears flowed out of my eyes so fast I couldn't stop them or wipe them away fast enough. My chest tightened as I sobbed, I was in pain both physically and emotionally. I was pregnant.

Trent brought his chair closer to me and brushed my hair away from my face in attempts to comfort me.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed over and over. Trent just hushed me and continued to comfort me.

I don't remember how long I had cried but I do know I fell back asleep soon after. 

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