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It had been a month, one incredible month. After that day Trent told me that rogues had officially stopped coming around, nobody had smelt them or seen them in an entire month. Trent had made Richard guard me that entire month still if he wasn't home but I didn't mind because I knew that Trent was only trying to keep me safe.

After losing my virginity I was nervous it would cause a slight divot but it never did. Sebastian knew about it pretty quickly because after we had calmed down he called Sebastian to tell him that he wasn't going into the office. I guess from 'the way Trent sounded' as Sebastian put it he could tell that we had just 'boned' again another thing Sebastian said.

Sebastian and I kept our distance from each other, I wasn't sure why though. I figured it was because Trent and I had officially mated which basically meant that I was 1000% off limits.

Trent decided at the end of the month that we would go back to our little cabin in the woods. Trent felt comfortable me being back home as long as Richard was there. I agreed, I wanted to go back home and in our own bed. The pack house apartment was nice but it wasn't our home but I knew that I would probably be back there one day.

We had just piled our things together and started to shove them into large black garbage bags so we could take them back home. Trent told me that Sebastian was coming over to help. I was in the living room when he showed up..with a guest. I had looked up just as he barged into the apartment a coffee already in hand, I assumed Trent warned him that no coffee would be on so he brought his own.

Beside him was a man, he reached Sebastian's jawline, he was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a dark blue shirt, the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He had dark brown hair that was shorter than Sebastian's by an inch. He had a clean shaven face like Sebastian and baby blue eyes.

"Good morning Luna," Sebastian greeted as he waved his coffee around.

"Morning Mr. Beta," I smiled back. "Who is your friend?" I asked as I looked back down at the garbage bag in my hand.

"Oh this isn't my friend," Sebastian giggled, "this is my husband Jared."

Jared smiled at Sebastian, Sebastian glanced at him before he playfully slapped his shoulder.

I didn't know what to say, how did I not know he had a person? I never asked about his personal life but I assumed he was single.

I felt my palms start to sweat around the garbage bag, how do I get out of this awkward situation? Just as I was about to call for him Trent walked into the room with a handful of stuff from our bedroom.

"Sebastian and Jared are here," I told him before he placed a quick kiss on my lips.

"I assumed so by the heavy smell of coffee," he mumbled under his breath.

"I thought you were gonna say arousal for a moment," I giggled.

"Nope," he smiled before he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "that's later." His words made goosebumps appear on my skin and a flood of arousal run through me.

"I can smell your dirty talk from here!" Sebastian whined. "Please shut up so we can get this packing done and over with."

Trent and I looked at one another before we rolled our eyes. We gave each other a quick kiss before I helped Trent start placing things in the bags. It took only a few minutes but we managed to get everything into bags and out of the apartment. The men carried the bags while Trent made me carry the few books I bought with Trent's debit card within the month.

After everything was packed into the car Sebastian and Jared left before we went home. The car ride was silent as usual. We pulled up at home in just a few minutes. I was so happy to be home. We hadn't been there in a whole month, I missed the smell of caramel candies and the smell of the fireplace. I couldn't wait to get everything back into the house and packed up.

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