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Nightmares. They were something I dealt with every night since I got home. All I could picture was his face close to mine demanding I was his. Other times it was him murdering Trent in front of my eyes while a small child with brown hair and green eyes called out to me. I would try to run to my husband but my legs would be stuck to the ground.

I would scream so loud sometimes that Trent would wake up and shake me awake. He would hold me to his chest and whisper sweet nothings in my ear until I fell asleep again.

A month had passed since I returned home, Carl had went back to our old pack. Trent arranged a ceremony for the pack to grieve over the loss of our fallen members and my unborn child. We brought food once again to the statue of the moon goddess and thanked her for watching over our loved ones. On the day of the ceremony I silently begged her to bless me with another child. I promised I would be much more careful this time around and I would never ask her for anything else.

After going home that night Trent and I went back into our old mundane lives and our old routine. 


I sat on the couch staring down at the bundle of joy in my arms. He had a tuft of black hair on top of his head and piercing green eyes. We were waiting for Trent to be home for dinner. I had dinner made and already on the table waiting.

A random T.V. show played in the background while I stared at my son. Lucas.

Lucas saved me from myself, as cliche as it sounds, I was really depressed and Trent had to take care of me a lot of the time. When I found out I was pregnant I switched my whole life around. I went to bed early even though the nightmares still came and I ate some time even though I wasn't hungry, but I knew I needed to eat. I started cleaning again and making better dinners.

The sound of the front door opening pulled me out of my thoughts. Trent stood in the doorway and pushed his shoes off before rushing over and taking the baby from my hands. He gave Lucas a kiss on the forehead before leaning down and giving me one.

"How was work?" I asked as I pulled myself off the couch.

"Fine, how was you and Lucas's day?" he led me to the kitchen.

"Just fine, Sebastian came over today," I chuckled.

"Let me guess for coffee?"

"Yup," I laughed, popping the 'p'. "Also to hold liquid baby fever," I laughed.

Trent laughed before he sat down at his spot.

"They could adopt they know," he muttered.

"True, but I don't think they are ready just yet," I smiled.

"Sebastian will never be ready for a child."

"You may be surprised," I smiled.

We ate in silence and the entire time Lucas sat quietly in Trent's arms and that was the moment where I knew I was where I was meant to be. 

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