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Our first night at the pack house went fairly smooth, or so I thought. I had woken up to Trent tightening his tie around his neck.

His long black hair was already brushed out and hung down his shoulders. His green eyes appeared soft; he was thankfully relaxed.

I sighed in relief before I sat up against the headboard and stretched out my limbs. Trent's eyes snapped to mine, he had a small smile on his lips that warmed my heart.

"How did you sleep?" he asked as he loosened up his tie.


"I need to introduce you to someone so please get ready," he smiled before he grabbed his coffee mug off the dresser and left the room.

I quickly pushed the blankets off me and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I looked around the room but remembered that we left our clothes on the couch in the living room because we were too lazy to hang anything up in the closet, in our temporary bedroom.

I ran my fingers through my hair before I looked down at myself; I would have to walk out into the living room and hope that nobody came to visit.

I dragged myself to our door before swinging it open, I could see the T.V. from the bedroom door. I dragged my feet down the hallway that led to the living room. The clothes were as we left them. One of the windows were open so the living room was filled with natural light.

I scavenged through the clothes until I found a pair of jeans and a long sleeved black shirt. I ran back to the bedroom and changed before I met Trent in the kitchen.

He was leaned against the sink scrolling through his phone before he looked up. He gave me a smile before he shoved the phone in his pocket.

"You look nice," I smiled.

"Thank you," he stopped leaning against the sink before he beckoned me over with his forefinger.

I approached him, he gently grasped my arm and brought me to his chest. He buried his face in my hair before kissing the top of my head.

"What am I supposed to do today?" I asked into his chest.

"Just relax," he mumbled into my hair. I nodded before I wrapped my arms around him, or at least attempted to.

He leaned down and kissed me before someone knocked on our front door. We paused, who was knocking on the door?

I pulled away from Trent before he made his way to the front door. Thankfully the door was right beside the kitchen because I could hear everything.

"This was left at the door for you Alpha," I heard a man say, I didn't recognize him.

"Thank you Richard," Trent growled. "Please come in." I tried to act natural as Trent brought the male into the kitchen.

The man beside him was shorter, he reached about Trent's shoulders, he had short, shaggy, brown hair and was wearing a pair of slacks and a nice black button up shirt. His brown eyes seemed empty, almost as if someone wiped away all his emotions. In his hands were half a dozen red roses with a black string wrapped around them.

"Good morning Luna," he gave me a lazy smile before he bowed his head. Trent stayed emotionless as he stared down at the man.

"This is my gamma, Richard, he is going to be your guard," Trent explained.

"Okay," I mumbled while I stared at the red roses. "Who are those from?" Trent let out a small growl.

"The fucking mutts managed to get up here without one of my pack members knowing," Trent growled out, Richards eyes seemed to twinkle for a split second before it went away. "Richard was only supposed to be your guard if you needed to leave the wing, but since they fucking managed to deliver these," he motioned to the flowers with his hand, "then he will now be your guard all day, everyday until we can sort this rogue crap out," Trent ran his fingers through his hair.

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