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"PSST,". . .

A whisper came from the right of her. She turned her head and locked eyes with Gilbert; he had a smile plastered on his face. Magnolia rolled her eyes and focused her attention back onto her slate.

Suddenly, a piece of paper hit her right in the face. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from yelling at the boy behind her.

He threw a piece of chalk next: it landed on her slate and then rolled off onto the floor. She groaned internally, then went back to writing.

She heard light footsteps, then she felt hot air on her cheek. "Hey," Gilbert said with a smirk. He had the apple from earlier in his left hand.

He sat it in front of her, trying to gain her attention, but she didn't even bother glancing at him--she wasn't going to give in to his games.

He still was crouching next to her, he didn't even seem to notice her annoyance. Her hand gripped the chalk even harder as she wrote. He was being extremely annoying and she was already having a bad day.

"Hey." Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him; he looked her up and down then his hand reached up and grabbed her hair, and pulled gently. "Cherries."

That was it.

She stood up and grabbed the closest thing to her and smacked him in the face with it. However, once she did, she immediately regretted it.

The class gasped at her out of character action.

She locked eyes with Gilbert, fearing he would hit her back or yell, but surprisingly he wasn't angry or even crying. He was shocked but smirking slightly, still, Magnolia felt horrible for what she'd done.

"Oh, my God, I am so sorry." She let out and dropped the slate to the floor.

"Magnolia! Get up here now!" Mr. Philips yelled, causing her to jump in fear. "What a vicious display! Did Anne teach you this? I should've known she wouldn't be a good influence." She was shaking violently as he continued to shout.

Never in her life had she done something like this. She felt like she was going to throw up. She needed to get out of there.

"What are you doing? Get up here!" Magnolia shook her head and ran straight out the door. She heard Mr. Philips call her name again angrily, but she didn't turn back.

Her legs carried her through the woods. She didn't stop even stop when her dress caught on several bushes, most likely ripping it to shreds. She didn't care, she just wanted to get away.

Her foot got caught on a log, sending her flying to the ground with a thud. The redhead groaned and sat up slowly, a stinging pain came from her lip. Blood dripped from her lip and down her chin--she must have busted it open.

Finally, she let the tears fall as she wiped away the blood. She felt horrible!  Not only did she hurt Gilbert, but she angered Mr. Philips and embarrassed herself in front of the class. There was no telling what her parents would do to her because she had never been in major trouble before.

She choked out a sob and put her head in her hands and tried to control her rapid breathing. Once she did, she stood up and brushed the dirt off of her ruined dress. Rips and tears were littered across the sleeves on her dress.

Magnolia slowly made her way home thinking of ways she could tell her parents about the incident. She had to be honest and truthful because she didn't want to lie to her parents. Besides, even if she did lie, Mr. Philips would tell them instantly.

Panic rose in her chest as the pathway to her house came into sight. To say she did not want to do this was an understatement.

As soon as she entered her house her mom came running, a shocked look on her face when she realized it was her. "Magnolia? What are you doing here? Why is your lip bleeding?" She asked worriedly.

"Uh, something happened at school, and I tripped." Her mother had a puzzled look on her face.

"What happened?" She grabbed a rag from the counter and wet it with water, then she brought the rag to the redhead and pressed it to her lips.

Magnolia took in a deep breath and sunk into a chair. "I might've hit Gilbert Blythe with my slate..."

Luckily, Magnolia somehow managed to only get a talk about how "her behavior was unacceptable" and that "she shouldn't have let her anger get the best of herself".

She knew for a fact she would NEVER do anything like that again.

However, she did, indeed, have to apologize to Gilbert, which was going to be a challenge.

The rest of the day flew by. She helped her father clean the horse's stables and helped her mother make dinner, and before she knew it, she was in her bed and fast asleep.

A loud bell ringing in the distance woke her from her slumber, causing her to sit up quickly and look around. It was the fire bell.

She immediately got out of her bed, grabbed her shoes, slipped them on, and grabbed a coat. She then ran out of her room and down the stairs. She heard voices from outside that belonged to her parents. Magnolia followed the noise and found her parents outside filling buckets with water.

"There she is," Her dad said and handed her a bucket. "I need you to come with me. Your mother has to stay with Stiles and Emily." She nodded.

He helped Magnolia up on their horse then got on himself. She held onto his waist as the horse started running towards the house.

When they found the house that was on fire, she frowned. It was Ruby's house.

"Dear God," Her father muttered as he got off the horse. The house was almost completely burnt down. He spun around, helped Magnolia down then grabbed the bucket of water from her.

She glanced around the scene for Anne and finally, she laid eyes on her.

"Anne!" She called, running toward her and pulling her into a hug.

Anne looked scared when she pulled away. "Are you okay?" Magnolia asked but before Anne could answer, a window shattered.

"It's burning so fierce! Do you think everyone is out of the house?" She looked over and saw Ruby and her family all huddled together, mourning over their beloved house.

"Yeah, they're over there." She motioned to the family but Anne was still staring at the house.

"Why are the doors and windows open?" Magnolia furrowed her eyebrows at Anne.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Anne had a determined look on her face. She knew Anne was about to do something big. "Anne, I see that look. Let me help you."

Anne hesitated for a second, but then she took Magnolia's hand and pulled her toward the burning house.

AN. . .

merry christmas!! it's currently christmas eve for me and i still have to make my parents present but i wanted to give you guys a new chapter so here it is! i would have made it longer but i'm tired and i want to sleep :/

anyways, i  hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas or whatever you celebrate!

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