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Magnolia tried her best to look happy as Mrs. Stacy explained what they were doing, but really, she wasn't. She hated dancing and she wasn't good at it either. She'd always trip on her own feet or get out of tune with the music. She just didn't like to dance.

The redhead could feel someone staring at her so she turned her head to look at the unknown individual and was greeted with the face of Edward.

She smiled at him to conceal her obvious uncomfortableness and he smiled back, still not looking away.

She looked away and chewed on her lip nervously, another thing she hated besides dancing, was being stared at. She never knew what they were thinking when they stared at her and that bothered her.

"Shall we?" Mrs. Stacy asked.

"We shall." Mrs. Lynde replied while she and her husband got ready to dance. "Pay particular attention to the patterns. Ready?"

"Ready when you are, Mrs. Lynde."

Mrs. Lynde put her hands together and clapped. "Please clap out the rhythm."

Magnolia held back a groan and clapped in sync with the class.

Mrs. Lynde, her husband, her sons, and Mrs. Stacy all joined hands and started skipping in a circle."And eight steps round. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eighth, and back to the other way!" They switched directions and kept skipping. "Centre dancers get ready to set. And set, and set, and turn with both hands."

Finally, after minutes of torture, they finished.

"Why don't we have you give it a try? Please form your sets of six." Mrs. Stacy said as she helped everyone get a partner.

Magnolia tapped her foot nervously, hoping Edward wouldn't be in their set. She felt weird around him, and she didn't want to dance with him if he made her feel that way. So the Baker girl found Anne and Diana and joined their group.

Gilbert also happened to be in the same group but the redhead paid no attention to him.

Everyone joined hands and started skipping in a circle like Mrs. Lynde had shown them. "And one, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and—" Apparently, no one in the whole school knew how to dance.

Magnolia was just as confused as the rest of the class.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Mrs. Lynde yelled, and the class stopped dancing. "That was a start. Let's take a little break. Catch my breath, catch your breath."

The redhead sighed in relief, she had only been dancing for a short time and she was already over it.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ruby run into the coatroom. She furrowed her eyebrows and tugged on Anne's sleeve to get her attention. "Come on." She said and pulled her to the coatroom.

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