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The redheaded girl inquired as they got into the back of the wagon.

"Yes?" Moody answered.

Diana sat down and glanced at her friends."I can't tell if I'm scared of excited." She chuckled.

"We're going to get in so much trouble." Ruby said.

"What's our battle cry?" Anne asked.

"No idea."


Anne held her hand out. "Save Mrs. Stacy."

Magnolia put her hand on top of Anne's and then everyone else did the same.

"Save Mrs. Stacy!" They shouted loudly. They all pulled away, laughing, and then got seated. Their first stop was Cole's house and then to the train station.

After they picked up Cole, Moody drove them to the train station where they got off the wagon and hid in the edge of the forest.

Magnolia nervously watched the conductor look through the train car for stowaways, he found none so he moved onto the next one.

"We're hoping a freight car?!" Cole questioned.

"I can't breathe." Diana complained.

"We're all going to die."

"It'll be fine. People do it all the time, I read about it in a book." Anne tried to comfort them, but her words didn't calm their nerves.

"A book? Y-you've never done this?!" Moody's eyes were a large as the moon.

"How hard could it be?" Magnolia said and smiled slightly. "I'll go first, it'll be fine."

"Hey, we shouldn't—" Ruby started to say, however, the redhead ignored her and stood.

She ran full speed toward the train car and climbed in. Once she was inside she held up her hand and waited for the coast to be clear again.

Magnolia noticed the conductor was boarding the train and not looking toward them at the moment, so she motioned her friends over to her.

They just barely got in before the conductor could see them. All five of them sighed in relief when they settled in.

The train finally rolled to a stop, meaning that they were in town. Though, they couldn't get out just yet because somebody could see them.

"Ready?" Magnolia asked after ten minutes passed.


"Ready as I'll ever be."

She pushed the door open, expecting no one to be on the other side, but she was wrong.

The infamous Gilbert Blythe stood on the other side, smirking.

"What are you doing here?" Magnolia inquired, hiding the nervousness in her voice.

"I figure I should ask you the same question."

"I hope you find Bash." Magnolia said as she walked beside Gilbert.

"I hope he'll forgive me for being so selfish."

"I'm sure you can make things right with him, an apology goes a long way." She reassured him.

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