Chapter 7 - An Old Friend

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Lexi's heart starting racing and she had to take another look at the one she had run into before wrapping her arms around him.

"Tord! You're here!" 

"Ja det er jeg.. Err- Yeah, I am-" Tord picked Lexi up. Lexi moved Tord's floof hair out of the way, and she stared at his eyes for a moment before hugging him again. 

"I was so scared that Tom killed you!.." Lexi was tearing up.

"Lite- Lexi.." Tord leaned down and picked up the hoodie Lexi had. He realized it was his old one and smiled a bit. "You kept it?" 

"Huh?" Lexi lifted her head up and looked at the hoodie, reaching for it. Tord gave it to her and booped her cuz yes. "Y-Yeah- Hey!" 

Stubborn smol noises.

Lexi pointed towards the way she had come. "Can we let them know?..." Tord sighed. 

"I'd rather not.. Not yet, at least." Lexi reached into her pocket and pulled out the paper with Tord's symbol on it, and the picture of him. She showed the symbol to him and smiled slightly.

"This is how I knew you were alive.." She folded that back up and showed him the picture. "And this has been my hope for the past few months.." She wrapped her arms around Tord's neck. "I missed you so much..." Tord's eyes widened a bit.

"Really?" He didn't think that any of them would miss him. 

"Y-Yeah.." Lexi muttered. She looked back at Tord and at the scars on the right side of his face. "Did..." Tord nodded and turned to walk down the stairs.

"Lex?" They heard Tom behind them. Tord turned his head and his red eye seemed to glow. "...Le-" Tord turned back and ran down the stairs.

"T-Tord? Are you-" Lexi started.

"If he knows I'm here, I'm afraid he'll actually kill me," Tord's voice shook slightly. Lexi didn't reply. Tord eventually had to slow down when he got down the stairs, because otherwise it could look like a kidnapping.. He put Lexi down and they both walked out of the building. 

"Tord, I know a place you might like!" Lexi giggled, switching out Tom's hoodie for Tord's. "I never get the chance to go anywhere with the others, especially not this place."


"Yeah! Follow me!" Lexi looked up at Tord before running off in a certain direction.

"AHJSDushdasd Lexi! Slow down! Jeez, she's fast.." Tord ran after her.


They arrived at a big clearing, and Lexi's heart was racing from running.

"Tord! Tord!" Lexi squealed. "Here we are!" Tord tripped and fell, catching himself with his hands. "Oh, Are you okay?-"

"Yeah, I just tripped, that's all." He pushed himself up and sat cross-legged. Lexi ran over and sat in his lap. "You're adorable, Lexi." 

"N-No I'm not!" Stubborn smol noises. Lexi buried her face into Tord's blue coat. "Y-You are..."

"What was that?" Tord chuckled, looking down at Lexi. 

"N-Nothing!" She looked up, feeling her face get very warm. Lexi sighed and grabbed Tord's metal arm. "This is because of..." Tord just nodded, and pulled Lexi into a hug. 

"Y'know, Lex, I came back 'cuz of you.. Before I left, you were always around me. You were so concerned, lifted me up." 

"Huh? W-Wait, Really?" Lexi smiled and looked up at Tord.

"Yeah." Tord looked at the sky, it was getting dark and the stars were coming out. "Hey, look!" Lexi looked at the sky as well. 


"Hey, don't you think you should get back now?" Tord stood up, carrying Lexi as he did. 

"Oh.. Yeah, I guess so." 


Tord and Lexi reached the apartment building. 

"Don't leave me here, Tord. Walk me up?" Lexi giggled.

"Sure, Why not?" Tord put Lexi on his shoulders and started up the stairs. "Also, Lex, why do you care so much about me?" This made Lexi blush like crazy. 

"I-I mean, you're just so awesome!" She giggled. Tord smiled a bit.

"Naahhh, There's no way!" They reached the hallway and Tord put Lexi in front of him. 

"You really are! Like.. I love your accent, too." 

Tord and Lexi got to Tom's door and Tord turned to walk away. 

"T-Tord? Can I t-tell you something.. Before you go?.." Lexi stuttered.

"Sure." Tord turned back around and looked down at Lexi. 

"....Jeg elsker deg!" Lexi spun and quickly went inside Tom's door, shutting it behind her.

Tord simply repeated the phrase, mostly out of shock and confusion. 

"Jeg.. elsker deg.." 

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