Chapter 18 - Sudden Impulses

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It was the next day, and Tom was back at home n stuff. Lexi circled the apartment, muttering things and writing on a small notepad. Her muttering slowly got louder, and it was clear that it was lyrics of a sort.

"Let me be your killer king!" (Lol)

"Wh-" Tom looked away from the TV screen.

"My touch is black and poisonous, and nothing like my punch."

"Yeah, Sure." Tom groaned, pulling a blanket over him

"Oh! We gotta turn up the crazy!" Lexi jumped over the back of the couch and beside Tom. "Shooting fireworks like it's the 4th of July!" She looked at Tom and smiled.

"Mmmm.... Until we feel alright!" Tom pulled his hood over his head and balled up under the blanket. Perfect timing for Edd and Matt to bust in.

"TONIGHT WE ARE VICTORIOUS!" They both yelled before bursting into laughter. 

"That. Was. Perfect." Lexi giggled and jumped up, running over to them. Matt, still not completely adjusting to Lex being tall, fell into her arms. 

"Is he-" 

"Hungover but still Matt." Edd smiled, and Lexi realized he wasn't wearing the hoodie he usually did. 

"Are you wearing... Matt's Hoodie?"


"Wh- I mean.. I've never seen that, so.."

"Is it not obvious?" Sip Sip.

"Is what not obvi- Oh! So it's official, now?" Lexi giggled.

"Duh." SLURP SLURP. "Well, we just came by to yell, so.." 

"O-Oh, Okie.."

"I'm a killing spreEeh in whhite!" Matt stood straight-ish and leaned on Edd. "My head hurttss..."

"Of course it does.. Well, cya!" Edd pulled Matt's arm over his shoulders and dragged him out. Lexi shut the door behind them. 


"Whhatt.." Tom poked his head out from the blanket. 

"Y-You wouldn't mind.. If I um.." Tom noted Lexi's blushy expression and gestured for her to come over. Of course, she did. 

"Come on, then.." He moved back slightly, leaving the perfect space for Lexi. She sat in that perfect spot and wrapped her arms around Tom's neck. "..Lex?" Tom pulled himself up a bit so he was more in a sitting position. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm f-fine..."

"No you're not, Lexi." Tom put his arms around Lexi's waist and pulled her closer to him. She shoved her face into his shoulder and tried not to cry. She jumped slightly and lifted her head back up. 

"I hhhave an Idea.." 

"What's your idea?" He muttered. 

"I'm curious about your uh.. What was it.."


"Ssssmirnoff- Yeah that.."

"Oh hell no." Tom 

"Pleaassee?" Lexi did lil Pupper eyes. 

".....Fine... Later.." Tom had given up. 





I'm lazy so they fell asleep 



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