Chapter 8 - Silly Giggles

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The moment Lexi exhaled and the door closed behind her, Tom was standing over her and Edd was close beside him. Matt was passed out on the couch. 

"Where were you, Lex?" Tom crouched down and grabbed Lexi's hand. 

"I-I went to look at the s-stars.." 

"Ju- Lexi, why didn't you tell one of us?.." Edd moved a bit and sat down beside Lexi. She knew she was in some sort of trouble. 

"..I knew you wouldn't let me go.." She was confused, why did they treat her like a kid? Was she really that childlike? 

"..I guess you have a point.." Tom stood up and crossed his arms. 

"I mean, it's not that big a deal, right? I'm fine. Nobody died." Lexi stood up as well. 

"I guess not..." Edd sighed. 

"Oh, but you know what is?" Lexi started, then turned to Tom.

"Lex- Lex no." Tom sounded a bit stressed. 

"....Never mind." Lexi shouldn't have been as happy as she was. She couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"What's so funny?" Edd tilted his head.

"Huh? Oh um.. Nothing!" 


Tord was back at the cliff where Lexi had taken him. 

"Jeg elsker deg... Why would she say that to me? Of all people?..." His mind was racing through different thoughts. "M-Me?" He was laying on his back in the grass, sprawled out and staring at the sky. The next thing that came to his mind made him sit straight up and gasp. "What if she dies? What if she dies BECAUSE OF ME? Because of the war?" 

"Red Leader?" A familiar voice spoke behind him. Tord stood up and turned around.

"Oh, Patryk, Um.. How did you find me?" 

"It took a while.." 

"Makes sense, I've been here for a bit.. Visited an old friend of mine.."


Tom fell back onto his bed and Lexi sat on the edge. 

"Tom.. You need to stop..." Lexi muttered.

"Stop wh- oh.. Ugh, That really isn't any of your business." 

"Well if you're hurting yourself, then I feel responsible, being the only one who knows, to stop it!" 

"..It's not your responsibility. You're not me, and you didn't cause this." Tom growled at Lexi.

"I'll take all your Smirnoff if I see more."


"Then stop, okay?" Lexi sighed.

"....Fine, no promises, can we talk about what happened.. earlier?" 

"....What is there to talk about? I did something stupid an-" Lexi was interrupted by a kiss from Tom. Her eyes widened and she soon melted into it. Her heart was racing, she wanted it to last forever. But due to the priority of oxygen, it had to end. 

"...S-Sorry..." Tom moved away and pulled his covers over his head.

"N-No, Tom!" Lexi crawled over to Tom and pulled the covers off his head. "I didn't expect that... I-I thought..." 

"Lex..." Tom pulled Lexi down and hugged her.

"wAoH-" Lexi buried her face into Tom's chest and couldn't help but smile. 

"You can sleep with me, if you want..." Tom figured Lexi would take this the wrong way, and sure enough.. She did.

"T-Tom!" She sat up and put her hands on his face. Her own was very red. Tom burst out with laughter. 

"Oh my God, Lex! Not like that!" Tom sat up and pushed Lexi's hands off of his face.

"W-Well you could've w-worded it differently!" Stubborn smol noises. "Y-You know my mind isn't... Uh.."

"Innocent?" Tom was still dying laughing.

"Y-Yeah!.. I guess.." Lexi was basically a tomato now. 

"You're adorable, c'mere." Tom pulled Lexi into another hug and leaned against the wall. (His bed's next to the wall) 

"Sh-Shut up, No I'm not." 

"Yes you are.." Tom kissed Lexi's cheek and she buried her face into his shoulder.

"No I'm nnott.." 

And soon enough, they were both asleep. 

Oh my God I am literally fangirling over this! It's probably like.. very cringy to you guys, but eh. I love it!!

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