Chapter 11 - Half Truths Pt 2.

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"Sorry, What?" Tom closed his door and stepped closer to Lexi.

"J-Just a friend, th-though!" Lexi was slowly starting to panic, Tord didn't want to be found out. Not yet.

"...Who? Would I know them?.." Why was Tom so worried about it?

"Possibly?..." Lexi whipped around and the sound of footsteps, just Eduardo closing his door. Somehow not realizing Lex and Tom in the hallway.

"That doesn't make sense, Lex!" 

"I-I don't..." She covered her mouth and stepped back from Tom, her eyes widening.

"Lex?" Tom took a step forward. 

"P-Please don't.." Her voice was muffled by her hand, which was basically engulfed in her sleeve. "I-I have t-" Lexi started feeling the horns coming back. She was panicking more, and it was noticeable. 

"..." Tom reached for Lexi but she spun around.

"I-I have to go! D-Don't follow me!" The last few syllables of her sentence turned into a low growl, and she started running down the hallway.

"Edd!" Tom had yelled into his apartment room. Lexi payed no attention to it until she heard footsteps coming from behind her. She glanced back to see that it was Tom and Edd. She heard two more sets of footsteps in front of her. Lexi looked up to see two faces that seemed familiar, but she couldn't place where she had seen them before.

"Le-" One of them had started saying. 

"She's being chased, Paul." The taller one had said.

"Paul? Paul! Wait I know that na-" Lexi was pulled up off the ground and that's when she blacked out. 


Tord paced in front of the table that Lexi had been placed on.

"Why, Paul, would you just GRAB HER?" He threw his arms up.

"S-Sorry, Red Leader but-" 

"No, Just- Just go." Tord gestured to the door, and Paul sadly walked out.

"T- Red Leader, I-" Patryk, the one that had told Paul that Lexi was being chased, spoke.

"You too.." Tord groaned and walked to the side of Lexi's table, pulling up a chair and sitting down. Patryk turned and walked out. "Lexi... Please wake up soon.." Tord put his hand over Lexi's and put his head down on the table. "Soon.."


"LEX?!" Tom was freaking out in the 'lobby' of the apartment building. 

"T-Tom, c-calm down, there's got to be a r-reasonable explanation f-for this! Jun- Lexi's probably f-fine!" Edd was shaking, but tried to hide it.

"N-No! I watched her get snatched up by those two! I swear I've seen them bef-" Tom stumbled, realizing something. "Didn't I see them... on the hill? Nah, I must be crazy! Sh-She's fine, right?"

"T-Tom, I think you need some rest!" Edd ran behind Tom as he fell. "Tom? Tom!" Edd sighed, realizing Tom had fainted. "Of course.." 


 Lexi slowly woke up, turning her head to see Tord, asleep. He was holding her hand. 

"Huh?" She sat up and crossed her legs. "Tord?" She poked him a few times and ruffled his hair.

"DON'T TOUCH THE HAIR!" Tord fell out of the chair and onto the floor. "Wait, Wh-" He stood up and leaned on Lexi's table, standing there for a moment before realizing she was awake.

"Tord?" Lexi tilted her head. "Why am I here? I was running away from Tom and Edd-" 

"Wait, Why?" Tord sat back in the seat beside the table.

"Umm... Stuff.."

"Did they do something to you?" 

"What? No! It's.. something that I did..?" Lexi pulled her hood over her head. 

"Alright, well-"

"Why am I here, Tord?" She turned to Tord, her eyes glowing slightly.

"Paul and Patryk did something stup- You don't know who they are, do you?" He sighed.

"Wait, Wait, Paul? He's the short one, right? And.. If that's right, Patryk's the taller one with the kinda weird hair.." Lexi pulled the hood down.

"I guess that's one way to explain it? They were supposed to talk to you and bring you here, but I guess they saw Tom or something else and decided to snatch you up??" 

"Oh. So.. why am I here?" Lexi groaned.

"Right, I had something to tell you, or talk to you about.."

"What is it?" 

"You're not.. entirely..." Tord trailed off, trying to find the right way to say these words.

"Hm?" Lexi tilted her head.

"You're not entirely human..."

"I know."

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