This Ain't A Love Song

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He smiled across the table at the young, vibrant red-head as she ate another bite of her chicken salad. He loved seeing her eyes light up they way they had for the past hour. He had never seen her in this light, but it was something that touched his heart and warmed his body at the very sight of the twinkle in her eyes.

"So, what made you decided to ask me out after being friends for all these years?" she asked, as she grabbed her napkin and dabbed her mouth gently before sipping from her water glass.

"I've noticed you for a while and since you and Hardy were dating for all those years, I knew you were off limits. I never made a move; it wouldn't have been right, ya know? But, then I heard that you had retired from wrestling and decided to give you call and well, here we are." he said, looking around the small outdoor cafe.

"Well, I'm glad you called, Jay. Really I am. It's been far to long since I've seen you and some of the other guys from the old days. I was shocked when you called but happy." she said.

He stood from the table and extended his hand, which she excepted graciously. They made their way to the cash register as he paid the bill and escorted her outside into the warm light from the spring weather.

As they walked down the sidewalk in silence, they spotted a stand at the curb that offered photography services. Jay stopped and paid the lady behind the small cart and turned to face Amy, as she shoot him a questioning look.

"Oh come on. What could it hurt? It would be a nice memento from our day together." he said, offering her his arm. She excepted the offer and smiled brightly as the lady snapped the picture...

He threw yet another picture into the box as a deep sigh escaped from deep within. He looked around the now empty living room and raked a hand through his short, hair. His eyes still burned from the tears he had shed after coming home, finding her note and realizing this time, it was for good.

He leaned back against the giant sofa, recalling every last moment he had with Amy. While they had only dated for 2 years, there was a connection they shared that instantly bonded the two. They shared many similarities, from being burned in previous relationship to music and clothing. There were some differences, but that's what he loved about her. She wasn't afraid to be her own person, in spite of himself.

Things had been good for them, although they did experience their share of arguments. He couldn't help but to blame her for all the conflict now. He had put his career, his life on the line for her happiness. For their happiness. He couldn't help but think how selfish she had been the entire time. He wanted her more than anything and he proved he would go the distance to keep her. He had done that time and time again. If that was the case, then why had she left?

Should have seen it coming when the roses died
Should of seen the end of summer in your eyes
Should have listened when you said, "Goodnight"
You really meant goodbye
Baby, ain't it funny, how we never ever learn to fall?
You're really on your knees when you think you're standing tall
But only fools are 'know it alls' and I played that fool for you

As he dug another photo from the box, he couldn't help but smile at the memory that flooded his mind. She had wanted the shirt so bad and when he finally had bought it for her, yet another argument ensued...

"Amy?" he yelled through the house, as he opened the door and lugged the shopping bags into the house. "Ames?"

"In the kitchen!" she called back, as he heard the running water from the sink.

"What are you doing?" he asked, as he entered the kitchen and dropped the bags on the table.

"I'm making a fruit salad for dinner." she said, glancing over her shoulder as she cut the strawberries into a large bowl that was placed inside the sink basin.

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