The Past Meets the Present

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Trish walked around backstage after her work-out. She had gotten to the arena fairly early, like she always had before pay-per-views. She liked the peace and quiet. She enjoyed thinking about a big event by herself and getting her thoughts collected. It was her way of preparing and being the best she could be for the thousands of hyperactive fans that filled every arena to every city, nation and world wide.

She continued to walk slowly down a long hallway, watching the few technicians and some of the crew hooking up some backstage equipment and monitors. She decided to walk back to her locker room for a nice, long shower before any of the other Superstars arrived. She walked back inside the gym to grab her bag before heading for a much needed showering that was calling her name.

She began whistling a song she had heard on the radio as she turned the door knob and walked inside. She threw her bag on the floor beside the door and placed her cell phone on a nearby table. She took her hair down and felt her shoulder length blond hair hit her back.

"Hello, Trish," said a male voice from behind her. She stopped dead in her tracks as the greeting rang through her head. She remembered that familiar voice and it instantly shot chills through her body. She slowly turned around and her fears were now apparent. She had been correct. Her ex-boyfriend who she thought she would never see again, was now standing before her. She hadn't seen him since he left the company in 2005. They had broken up only 2 weeks before he decided to leave the company on his rockstar dreams.

"Chris, you look good, but what the hell are you doing here," she asked.

"Well, I figured I would show up and get a feel of the wrestling world once more. I'm debating on rather to come back and decided to come here to see you...," he said, trailing off.

"Well, let me fill you in a little here," she answered, growing an inner strength she didn't know she had. "My life has been hell, so to speak since you left. I made a vow to myself that I wouldn't be within 50 feet of you ever again since you left, yet here you stand. I'm doing well now, but I'm still scarred physically, mentally and emotionally ever since you."

She felt the warm tears stinging her eyes, but she refused to let him see her cry once again. She had cried so many times in their relationship, but he would easily talk his way out of any situation and she believed him. Time after time she believed him.

I can't believe it's really you
Been so long
You look good
I hear you're doing really well
Don't ask me
Let me tell you how I been since when you left
Since you left me for dead
Finally every tear has dried
I've wiped you
From my life

Chris scratched his head and sighed. He was well aware of the pain and agony he put the young Canadian beauty through. He was here to try and make up for lost time and to make her see he was a changed man. Yeah, he had beat on her and given her a hell of a ride while they were together. He had known what he was doing was wrong, but at the time, the only thing he could mentally figure out was she was the cause of every problem and the only way he solved them was by laying his hands on her, in all the wrong ways. She had sat up countless hours while he was out drinking with his buddies. She had waited on that phone call - their was an endless number of times he should have called, but never did. And it always ended up the same way. He would screw some random chick and end up covering himself every time, until Trish had finally given up. She had every reason, too. He had cheated, he didn't treat her the way she deserved and now, it seemed, she was still paying a price for the shit he had put her through.

It didn't make his intentions any easier either. He had came here to apologize, but seeing her streaked with pain from their past, he knew in his heart that he was the reason she was so fragile, yet hostile and angry.

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