Listen to Your Heart

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Mickie paced the floor, searching her heart for the answer. She wasn't aware a decision could cause so much thought process, but when it came to one with matters of the heart on the line and a life-threatening result, she had to be careful, for both parties concerned in the matter.

She had been with John for well over 2 years now. It had been rocky at first, especially trying to keep their relationship secretive for the world to pick apart and examine. She had added worried when it came to creative finding out, or worse, Vince McMahon, himself.

It was no secret that he was forcing couples to be on opposite shows and different appearances and schedules. Having two different touring schedules wouldn't be their only downfall, however.

She had formed her career on Raw, breaking into the scene with her angle with Trish Stratus and cementing her place into the world of women's wrestling in a business that was dominated by mostly men. Only a handful of women were known as true wrestlers and she wanted her craft to go unnoticed to the fans, the haters, her critics and the business itself as a hole.

Then, she had Randy Orton, who she had known for a while. The wild child of the business was a bad ass so to speak and he always tempted her to take a bite of the forbidden fruit, but she never gave in, until recently. John had found out, of course, but he had taken it surprisingly well, for someone with John's temper. They had still broken up, but ultimately, the choice was hers. He had left the decision up to her, which is what lead her to the pacing of the floor, pondering on what avenue to lead her life into.

She was certain where her life was going with John, although he wasn't organized or controlled by far. It was just that cut and dry with John. What you see is what you get, but things had gotten serious before there downfall. She knew an engagement was upcoming and being with Randy for that one night was exactly what she needed. She loved John with every fiber of her being, but she had truthfully felt suffocated and worn out.

Randy was a spur of the minute, one-time deal where feelings could be checked at the door and picked up on your way out, where the guilt set in. The guilty lie and secret she decided to keep from John, until it ate at her and she could hide it now more. She broke down 2 weeks later, telling him every thing, with every last detail exposed. He admired that she was up front and honest, but nonetheless, it hurt him deeply, shattered him to very core and he was left heart broken and single when he left the locker room that cold night in September.

Randy was kind enough to extended his abilities and offer her a night whenever she wanted, but that's how it was with Randy. Swoon 'em, fuck 'em and leave 'em. She didn't have feelings for Randy and knew after the blow up, she never would, but he was a friend and she liked what he offered her. With the sexual side of things put aside, he offered what John couldn't at the moment. She felt free, she could breath, she wasn't tied down.

She threw herself in the over-sized chair in her living room as she scanned the room briefly until her eyes stopped on a picture of John resting on her entertainment stand. She smiled as she recalled the local mall they had visited while appearing in Pennsylvania. They entered the booth and took some silly pictures, but they one she enjoyed the most was where John was holding her tightly with a huge smile plastered on his face.

He always made things better for her, and that was something she could definitely live with the rest of her life. How could she be upset when he would flash a smile her way and his cute dimples would shine through every time, rather it be angelic, silly or light-hearted?

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