Rewritting the Past

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She couldn't believe she had decided to go. She kept telling herself why she was here, but the same question repeated throughout her head.

Why are you here? Why did they invite me?

She made her way inside and upon entry, was quickly brought back to the same familiar feeling of how it felt to be apart of the WWE. She sighed aloud and found the way to an empty seat in a corner backstage.

The Kodak Theater was staging the prestigious event this year and from the looks of things, the WWE still didn't fail to impress. She sat down as all her former co-workers were swirling around She knew the Hall of Fame ceremony wouldn't be starting for another hour, but she wanted to get backstage and maybe talking to some old friends.

"Amy," came a voice from her left. She looked up into the same familiar brown eyes she was used to for years.

"Matt," she managed to spit out. He smiled briefly at her, as he took a seat beside her and fidgeted with his name tag. He smiled again as he looked in her direction. She never really had the chance to talk to Matt after their break-up and she wasn't sure this was the time nor the place. She drank from her plastic cup as Matt looked on.

Hello again, it's you and me
Kinda always like it used to be
Sippin' wine, killing time
Trying to solve life's mysteries

There was an awkward silence between the two for what seemed like an eternity. She knew she had to explain herself and the way things went down between them, but she didn't know how to even start a conversation that would lead into their storied past. She also was aware of how he still captivated her senses and it made her heart race. She hadn't realized he would have this effect on her after all this time.

"How have you been," he asked, turning in her direction slightly and breaking the silence between the two.

"I've been good. How about you," she asked, feeling uneasy.

"Well, I can't complain. I mean, things are going quite well," he managed to say smiling.

How's your life, it's been awhile?
God it's good to see you smile

She began playing with the straps on her purse and was debating whether to leave or not. He noticed how fragile she looked and wanted to reach out to her, but was in fear of what had happened. The moment he saw her, his heart still skipped a beat and he was wondering why she was here, sitting among his co-workers. He knew she buckled under pressure and knew if he didn't say something soon she would end of bolting from the theater and probably wouldn't see her again.

I see you reaching for your keys
Looking for a reason not to leave

"Amy," Matt said at the same time as she muffled his name out. The smiled at one another and blushed, both looking at the tiling on the floor. She looked back up, as he did the same.

"You go," he said, motioning for her to continue. She thought for a moment before making her next move, unaware of what to say. She collected her thoughts and smiled again as her cheeks continued to burn.

"Matt, I'm really sorry the way things went down between you and me. If there was someway I could take back the things I did, I would in a heartbeat, but I can't so all I have is now. I can tell you I'm sorry and I know that may not help, but it's something I never told you. I am sorry, Matt," she finally finished, feeling relieved after all this time, she finally was about to tell him those words.

He looked at the woman he once loved and realized with his entire being, he still loved her, if not more. The years had lingered by, but she still was on his mind. She had an essence about her that would be unforgettable and he knew if they weren't able to fix things tonight, there may never be a second chance for them. In that moment, hearing her speak those words he had longed the hear, he realized he still loved the woman sitting before him and he was willing to do whatever it took to be with her, this time forever.

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