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He sat back in the over-sized leather chair and clenched his fist a couple times. He had been writing in his journal for well over an hour now, without attempting a break, except to wipe his eyes when the tears would fall. His hand was certainly feeling it at this point, and a little break would do him good right now.

He closed his eyes tightly as he saw the smiling face of his former fiancee, Cassidy. He loved the way she could laugh at something small. Her laughter seemed to echo through his head, but it was a sound he was comforted by. It was one of the many things he had loved about her. She was so carefree and lovable, he couldn't help but remember that about her.

It had been one year today that they had been apart. It had damn near killed him having to let her go, but it was something he had to do. There was no choice in the matter, as he thought about it now, but it was still something that didn't sit with him right. Somethings, life just wasn't fair, and he had witnessed that first hand.

He opened his eyes and wiped the tears that were forming in his eyes. His eyes were already red and his vision was beyond blurry. He had spent the better part of the morning crying, something he had grown accustomed to. The pain didn't seem to ease with time. It only manifested deep within him and found a home deep in his heart.

He leaned forward as his eyes scanned the picture frame of happier times with the two. A small smile played on the corners of his lips as he grabbed the picture. He traced an outline of her face with his fingertips, as he remembered her excitement on that day. He had just proposed to her and she wanted a picture to document it. Hence, the picture that now sat on his desk at all times. He replaced the picture back to its spot, as he picked up the pen and began writing in his year-old journal.

He had taken up writing ever since they had ended, addressing the leather-bond book to her. Every entry was written to her, as if she would reply, but he knew the harsh reality. She wouldn't, but he continued to write. The truth was, it gave him resolution in some small way. It helped him cope a little bit more. As his eyes became blurry once more, he let his mind become free once more and the words began filling the paper...

I wanted you to know

I love the way you laugh

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away

I keep your photograph;

I know it serves me well

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

I just looked at our picture. It helps ease the pain a little until I think about the fact of us no longer being together. Then the harsh reality sinks back in, and I'm left to debate about my future and what it holds. I don't really think I have much of a future if you're not in it, but what can I do?

It's been a year and the time has slipped by, day by day, and I still sit here and cry even more thinking about how we used to be together. Why was it taken from us? Why did you have to leave me? Why am I alone now? I haven't even thought about dating someone else. I just compare them to you before I even get the words out of my mouth.

Cassidy, I loved you. I still do. There's nothing in this world that would ever change that. Not my WWE career, not my previous lifestyle and certainly no one night stand or some random chick. You were it for me. I don't know if I ever told you that enough, but it's all true. I know I never would have waisted a lifetime of happiness on a 15 minute fling.

Sometimes, I just can't take this depression no more. Is it a depression that I am in? Or am I just merely coping with the fact that we are no longer together? Hell, I don't know, but I do think about that all the time and the only thing it leads me is more wasted tears on my pillow case at night.

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