Love of a Lifetime

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He watched as everyone swarmed around him in the busy backstage area. It had been over 2 years since his last appearance, well over 3 years since he was in a wrestling ring doing what he did best; entertain the millions of fans world wide. He missed this job almost more than anything. He had planned on returning sooner, but since his Hollywood movie career took off, a divorce that blindsided him and turned bitter quickly and the feelings he had hide for so long; things kept him away from the WWE.

In the past 2 years, he had often thought about returning. To feel the electricity that ran through him every time he would pass through the curtains into the screaming, wild fans. He loved the adrenaline rush it gave him, the pure ecstasy in that moment was like nothing he had ever felt before.

But tonight was different. He was here for more important reasons. He was here for someone in particular. He was here to share feelings and emotions he should have shared a long time before now. Before he ever retired from the ring, before he signed all the Hollywood dreams and movie contracts and more importantly before he ever signed his wedding decree.

He was here to talk to her. Dawn Snyder. The girl who had captured his heart the first night he set eyes on her. The girl he knew had his heart fully. The girl he had grown up with, considered his best friend. The girl he loved deeply, whole-heartedly and unconditionally.

They had had a short summer fling before he had gotten married. He hadn't even met Danni yet, but he knew she was the one from the time they were in high school together, when he noticed she was more than just his next door neighbor and the head cheerleader at the local high school.

It hadn't lasted but 3 months, but it was enough to tell him he should have never let her go, no matter where his football career took him. They had lost contact over the years he had moved to Miami to be a Hurricane, but she was never too far from his heart.

It was there he had meet Danni, his now ex-wife, and decided since Dawn had her own plans, a boyfriend at the time, maybe it was time he packed his feelings for her into a duffel bag and store them somewhere for safe keeping.

He had gotten married, she had moved on and things were going as well as could be expected, until the new Diva turned up in the backstage area in April of 2003. He couldn't believe it was her for a minute, until they locked eyes and he noticed she had soft tears streaming from her eyes. She jumped into her arms, like nothing had passed between them and feared letting go.

They continued a close friendship until his time was up with the WWE. She had supported him no matter what he did. Whether he was WWE Champion or whether he was the Scorpion King in Hollywood.

He felt he had no other alternative but to leave. He couldn't fight the crazy urges or the rapid feelings any longer. He was about to burst at the seems and it started to affect his family life. Instead, he packed his belongings, opted not to sign the new 5 year contract Vince McMahon had offered him and left for California and far away from the woman who still had his heart.

It had been rough, but now, with him being here, finally able to get things in the open, he decided it was now or never and walked down the crowded hallway. It was as if he was in some strange movie or dream, trying to find that one certain someone who can save you from everything, only at the other end there was no on there, just himself.

He continued to stroll down the hall, occasionally stopping to give someone a high five or smile and nod in their directions before picking up his pace and looking even harder. After an exhausting 15 minute walk around the premise, he found the Diva's locker room and stopped.

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