I'll Never Get Over You

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"Just tell her that I'm going out with my buddies again. You know, hitting the clubs and bars and whatever. I don't care, man. Why do I still have to answer to my ex-girlfriend, Randy? We've been broken up for 8 months." John said as he slicked his hair back.

"Ex-fiancée." Randy said, correcting his friend. Randy and John were close. They had been ever since they debuted with the WWE around the same time. He met Mykiah, John's ex-finance at the same time as well. Even after the break-up, he always had a soft spot for her and never broke the friendship with her.

"Thanks for the correction, Einstein. I know my storied past with her. You don't have to remind me. Just keep it where it is, Randy. In the past." John said, becoming slightly angry. Ever since there break-up, Randy tried pushing the two back together, but what happened was to much for her to overlook and she had made her decision. John had lived with it, even though it ate at him that he missed her touch, the way she felt in his arms, her scent. The truth was, John Cena missed his lover, his soul mate and the meaningless one-night-stands he acquired meant nothing to him.

"I'm not making you answer for your past or to her for that matter. But, as soon as you get over yourself and realize that your still in love with her, you can dig yourself out of the whole your living in. Stop being stubborn and make amends with her. She's going through hell John, for you not controlling yourself at your bachelor party. Why did you have to sleep with her best friend? Why did you have to sleep with Candice Michelle, of all fuckin' people, John? I'm going to talk to my friend! When you get over yourself, come find me!" Randy said, pushing his way past him and slamming the door.

John heard the bang echo through the hotel room as he slumped on the bed and felt the tears burning his eyes. He knew he messed up, but the truth was, he couldn't remember. He knew he had done something terrible the next morning when he woke up to see Candice naked in the bed with him. The only thing that hurt worse was when Mykiah walked in and saw her there as well. The look in her eyes was enough to make any man cry. She wouldn't let him explain, and he couldn't blame her, because it looked worse than it appeared. But, he honestly didn't remember sleeping with her, or drinking the night before for that matter.

I hear you're taking the town again
Having a good time with all your good time friends
I don't think that you think of me

She heard the soft knock coming from her door as she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her nearly naked form. She opened the door and smiled as she saw the boyish good-looks for Randy Orton peering at her.

"How are you, Kitten?" he asked, as he kissed her cheek softly and sat on the nearby arm chair.

"Good. I'm really good. I can't complain." She said, managing a weak smile. The truth was, she wasn't good. Ever since she walked in our her soon to be husband and her assumed best friend in a compromising fashion, she hadn't been fine. She loved John, with everything she possessed inside her. Her life had spiraled downhill ever since then and she couldn't seem the grasp reality and get her life straightened out. She had ran into a few times since she was the manager of a few other wrestlers, but she just pushed past him and tried not giving him another thought. The way he had flaunted himself afterwards, like he didn't even care about her or what they shared together, was clear to her as to how John felt about their relationship. She heard the rumors and she knew too well that if he gave to shits about her or their future, he would have came back to her, explaining, begging, something. But instead, nothing. He didn't think about her at all and he was fine with the decision he had made. Or so she thought.

You're on your own now, and I'm alone and free
I know that I oughta get on with my life
But a life lived without you could never be right

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