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(Rob is cute. Lol, I love white boys)

" you alright? " key asked standing in the bathroom doorway as I continued to throw up.

I nodded my head before throwing up again. We arrived in Paris yesterday and I've been experiencing jet lag since we got here.

" I'm finna go to the store so lay down if you can until I get back " he said before leaving the room.

Markeyvius POV

I went to the nearest drugstore to get Ava some Tylenol since that's the only thing she can't take with her being pregnant. My plan is to get well in time for tomorrow because Dolph and Pinkie helped me plan a dinner for her birthday.

When I got back to our room she was on the bed passes out. This shit happening at the beginning of my prime feel unreal as hell but it only make me go harder. In a way Ava kind of stealing my heart.


I woke the next day, literally and felt way better. I took a Tylenol key brought me yesterday just Incase I started feeling like shit again. I laid in the bed and strolled on Twitter. I didn't feel like moving since both of my boys felt like they were having a boxing match.

" y'all better chill out before I whoop y'all. I'm woke hell " I rubbed my stomach in hopes they'd be still and to my surprise it worked.

" happy birthday Ava " Key smiled coming in with his hands full of bags.

" thank you baby daddy " I smiled getting up.

" Pinkie picked that outfit out so if you don't like it it's not my fault " he kisses my forehead laying the bags on the bed. " I'm about to get in the shower. Look at the stuff " he took his jewelry off and went to the bathroom.

I looked through the bags seeing earrings, a chain that said "key", a pandora bracelet, a Apple Watch, some dresses from Fendi, and even some baby stuff.

" did you like your stuff " Pinkie smiled as we got pedicures.

" it was nice but I feel like he gone ask me to take him back tonight. He told me we were having dinner tonight and I know him " I laughed at how obvious he is.

" well..do you want to get back with him. I over heard him and Dolph talking this morning and he was saying how he falling for you " she smiled making me roll my eyes.

" I have been missing him so if all goes well I'm sure I'll take him back " I laughed.

Once we left the nail shop we went straight back to the hotel. That's one thing I hate about my birthday is that it be cold as fuck and sense we're in Europe it's double the call. Me and key agreed to go to a restaurant in the hotel because I didn't want to be out in the cold.

" hey " I cheesed seeing key when I got to our suite.

" you..happy. That's a first in a while " he laughed at me rolling my eyes.

" you know " I started getting in bed beside him but sitting up instead of laying down like him. " I think we should start picking names for the babies. Since we know they're boys " I shrugged.

" okay. What you got in mind " he said giving me all his attention and kind of made me feel shy in a way, I liked it.

" I was thinking Maurice and Markell..cause your name start with an m " I shrugged.

" ehh. I ain't feeling that too much " he shook his head. " what else you got "

" I want an Alex I really really like that name. " I scooted closer to him.

" I like Cash..with a K thought " he nodded smiling.

" okay. Alex and Kash " I smiled and nodded.

" I can fuck with that " he laughed.

" I'm lying key...that's ghetto and ugly as fuck. " I said giving him a straight face. " Kobe and Kody " I smiled.

" I'll take that " he laughed shaking his head. " they gone have my last name for sure, I'm standing on that " he said getting serious and I agreed.

" Kody Alex and Kobe Kash " I squealed and he agreed.

" you should be getting ready now, knowing it's gone take you longer then me " he tapped my leg and I huffed before getting up.

" soo. Why'd you want to bring me all the way over here, to have dinner. I could've ate in California for my birthday " I squinted at him looking him in his eyes.

" that's true but I just wanted this day to be special you know what I mean " he shrugged his shoulders grinning at me. " I also wanted to give you this and asked you could you give me another chance. " he opened a box showing me a ring.

" this suppose to be a promise ring " I asked taking it out the box and looking at it.

" something like that, but I'd rather call it a commitment ring. From here on out I'm committed to you and only you. Committed to adding to your happiness and being there for you, committed to making you feel special and making sure you feel nobody is above you. You honestly stealing my heart Ava and at first I wasn't ready but if you give me another chance I swear I'm a do right by you " he got out his seat and got beside me getting on one knee. " will you take me back ? "

" you know I hate attention key " I whined feeling all eyes on us. " yes I'll take you back " I pecked his lips and he wiped my tears that I didn't even know was there.

He put the ring on my finger and gave me another kiss before going back to his seat and everyone started clapping. Although the ring was beautiful I couldn't take it.

" I'm a were this ring because all these people looking right now but I want you to take it back before we leave tomorrow. I'm not a materialistic person, if you say you gone committed to me then she me instead of just buying me a ring. " I held his hand hoping he'd understand me. " the only kind of ring I'm excepting is and engagement and wedding ring "

" I feel that but I'm not taking it back " he laughed. " it's a gift, keep it Ava and I want to see you wearing it " he said putting money on the table and helping me up.

" okay big daddy " I kissed his lips and pulled away when he tried to deep it. " we in public boy. Wait till we get back to the room " I said sticking my tongue out pulling him.

" that's all I needed to hear " he smacked my butt and ran ahead of me.

" now bitch, you know I can't run. " I gave him a straight face and erupted in laughter. " play too damn much " I rolled my eyes following him.

" I'll be glad when your eyes get stuck and I'm a laugh for real then " he said pulling me into the elevator.

" boy fuck you " I laughed.

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