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14: 迷宮ゲーム

I walked around the crowded walls. My surroundings were dark, I barely knew where I went. For each step I took, I had to make sure I wasn't tripping on something.

Rumours said that demigods were able to fight each other during the labyrinth, i wouldn't stand a chance if I met one.

Moments like these made me wonder if my training with Jungkook helped at all. Maybe it's my mindset who's telling me that I can't do things. 

Urgh, whatever, I shouldn't overthink it either. The only way to defeat others is to believe that you can.

Or, that's what I think.

As I made my way through the labyrinth, I spotted a shining obstacle from far away. I squinted my eyes of curiosity, only to spot something that looked somewhat like an apple.

"Is that..," I muttered under my breath as I tried nearing the obstacle even more.

The more steps I took, the more I was convinced that it was an golden apple.

What were the odds though? It can't be that easy to grab ahold of an apple, is it?

I carefully looked around my surroundings, nobody was here, in fact, it was dead quiet. Not knowing what would happen next, I grabbed my chance and took ahold of the apple.

The golden apple was shining as I held it with my bare hands. It's reflection shined upon my eyes, making me blinded by its beauty.

As I was too busy looking at the apple, I did not notice the hissing sound behind me.

I quickly turned my back against the dark, only to see two red dots in the shadows.

Not knowing what it was, my eyes were plastered on the two dots. I carefully hid my golden apple inside my bag, before I quickly grabbed my sword.

The two red dots neared me for each second, and as the red dots appeared out from the shadows I could finally see the creature behind.

From the shadows unfolded the ugliest creature. It's wings resembled somewhat like a bats, it was incredibly skinny, just like a skeleton.

It's nails were painfully long, it looked as if it could rip through your skin and pierce it all the way through.

With its bony structure, the teeth were as sharp as fangs, not to mention the face-

Dear god, the face was one of the ugliest ever seen before, wrinkles like an old woman, hair that was barely visible.

I've read about this creature in my books, but I never imagined to actually meet one. The fury looked more horrid and uglier than the book had described it.

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