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15: ミステリーマップ

"I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am i?"

I sat deep in thoughts as I tried to figure out a decent answer. No matter what, I had to answer this without any faults.

I mean, theoretically, if I answer wrong, then I'll probably be eaten on the spot. The spinach- no, the Sphinx is half-lion, I'm sure she could knock me out as if I was a fly.

As I grumbled over the riddle, I felt the eyes of the Sphinx plastered on me. Weirdly enough, I started sweating. I guess it's because of the nervousness I'm under.

Thank god I'm not hungry. Imagine how awkward it'd be if my tummy started GROWLING in front of a half-human, half-lion, who also happens to want to eat me ALIVE.

I shuddered, trying to shake my awful thoughts away. Sometimes I impress myself with my thoughts, honestly, I wonder what's wrong with me sometimes.

"So? Do you have an answer? I'm a bit impatient dear," the Sphinx impatiently tapped her claws against the ground, as she eyed me with her intense eyes.

I bit my lip, while nervously fiddling with my fingers. Something that has cities, but no houses, mountains, but no trees, and water but no fish...

Come to think of it, a map shows all of these things, yet it cannot provide anything physically. Nothing but paint over an area.

Then, is it a map perhaps?

"So dear? Your answer?" The Sphinx eagerly said as she licked her lips as if she could eat me any minute.

I cocked my head to the side while letting my head ready on my right arm. I shifted positions and allowed me to stare directly into the Sphinx's eyes.

"Is it a map?" i pursed my lips as i focused my gaze on the Sphinx. I watched her as she gave out a half-hearted smile, whilst her lips were pressed together. I watched as she uncomfortably shifted positions, her head raised up in the air.

"That is correct," she exhaled noisily through pursed lips. I could tell that she was beyond frustrated. But then again, who wouldn't. I mean, she lost a chance of eating me for dinner.

I felt my shoulders relax for once, as i looked at her with ease. The sphinx let out a light cough.

"So the hint..," she continued.

"The ornament is not inside the labyrinth itself. However, inside this labyrinth lays a mystery map, which will give you directions to where you can find the ornament you are looking for," She continued.

"You will naturally find your way back to the camp through the labyrinth, however, i advise you to find the mystery map before leaving," The Sphinx pointed at a small hole down the corridor of her mine.

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