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24: お前は消えた

I refused to believe that he was gone. There was no way-

"Gyeongi.., we have to keep going," Taehyung tried to calmly suggest as he gave me small strokes behind my back.

I shook my head, tears filling my eyes. I felt like i was choking on my own tears, left alone my own spit as i continued eying down the cliff, where Jungkook had rolled off.

Looking up at Taehyung, despair filling my eyes, i couldn't help but to cry even more.

"I-i'ts my fault," i cried out.

"I-if i didn't have to go back and get the key, then he wouldn't..," I choked, "h-he wouldn't die,"

Taehyung shook his head, as he tried to get me back up on my knees. "He did it to save you Gyeong, it's not anyone's fault," he reassured, as he helped me walk back to the others.

Upon hearing him use my nickname, which was gifted by Jungkook himself, made me cry out even more.

I felt my heart sunk to the ground, as I was surrounded by countless pain that was worse than being slaughtered and killed by any living person.

Weeks of knowing Jungkook, and yet, I am still uncertain of what this boy means to me.

Yet, I know that I care for him. I know how my heart flutters whenever he embraces me with his warmth, the way I can't help but smile when I see him happy and giggly.

Not knowing what kind of emotions I was feeling towards him,

I couldn't help but let the sorrow drown me in the moment.

Yoongi sent me an apologetic look before he gave me a slight pat on my back. I wiped away my tears and shot one last glance at the cliff that Jungkook had rolled out of.

Just then, two hands grasped the edge of the cliff, struggling to get up.

My eyes widened at the sight, as i quickly ran towards the cliff. I shakingly peeked at the edge, only to notice Jungkook, hanging from the cliff. His face dirty and covered with something that looked like cole.

"J-jungkook!" i cried out, as i reached my hands out to him.

The other's, who had noticed what had happened, came dashing back as they helped Jungkook back up.

Jungkook rolled back up from the cliff with a loud groan, as he clenched his chest. Not believing that Jungkook was still alive, i couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

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