f o u r💫

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"いったい何してるの?!" you accidentally and suddenly spoke in Japanese, you clap your hand to your mouth and gulped.

(*wh-what the hell are you doing here?!

"これは明らかに私の教室です." Josuke also spoke in Japanese.

(*this is obviously my classroom.)

"Okay okay, let's stop talking in Japanese and answer me." you turned serious and Josuke sighed.

"I'm in the same class as you. End of story, now let me sit." you frowned at him for a second before letting him sit down.

Then you noticed that he sat right NEXT TO YOU. "Hey man, what's the big deal? I get it that we're in the same class but you don't have to sit next to me."

"That guy is sitting to where I usually sit, so I have to no choice. Also this is the only chair that doesn't have no one sitting on it." you rolled your eyes then suddenly a guy slammed his hand on Josuke's desk.

"You're in my seat buddy." Josuke looked up smiling but you can clearly see some angry veins.

"Sorry I didn't see you sitting here or your name." then the guy grabbed Josuke's collar that slightly lifted him up from the sit.

You were about to stand up but Josuke blocked you and mouthed 'just sit down.' you were about to protest but the asshole spoke up again.

"I can't believe you're sitting down with my girlfriend, you asshole." you mentally cringed. this ass?

"And that hair of yours? HA! It's like you use birds' shit as hairgel!!" the guy laughed, you looked at Josuke. He has his head down and you saw him gritting his teeth.

this is bad..

Suddenly, the guy was flung to the blackboard with such force. You looked at Josuke again, his face is completely different.

From sweet boy to the devil who's gonna kick your ass down to earth.

Josuke slowly walked towards the guy, some students, presumably the guy's gang, they tried to stop Josuke but no use. They were also flung to the wall hard.

Josuke grabbed the guy by the collar "Nobody insults my hair." he said that with a deep voice almost like he's a different person.

And the guy was punched several times by the air at amazing speeds. And Josuke dropped the guy on the grounf and went back to his seat.

Like nothing happened.

All of the students were visibly shaken and some ran out of the room, to probably get the teacher.

You looked at Josuke, he's back to his normal state. Well, almost. Then a teacher entered the room taking in the sight.

Broken chairs and tables, cracked backboard and injured students.

The teacher glared at Josuke, "Mr. Higashikada! Go to the principle's office this instant!" Josuke sighed and stood up not before saying goodbye to you.

You sat there all, thinking what just happened to Josuke earlier and also how did he attack the guy without even touching him.


(*what a great start of the day)


"Oh? Ah! Y/n-san!! Y/n-san!!" you heard someone call you, you turned around to see a small boy with grey hair, there are people behind him. A girl and another boy.

"Is there something you need senpai?" you asked, "Oh, you don't have to be so formal to me Y/n-san, just call me Koichi." Koichi said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

You nodded, "Well, have you seen Josuke-san? I could've sworn both of you were in the same class." you looked down.

"He got sent in the principle's office and has not returned since." you heard Koichi sigh.

"Argh. That Josuke, did someone diss his hair?" you looked at the boy behind Koichi.

You nodded again, "See Koichi, there's always someone pissing Josuke off by his hair."

"Guess you're right Okuyasu." Okuyasu hummed in agreement.
"Well thanks of the information Y/n-san, we'll see you soon!" and then they left.

i should probably see if he's in their house.

"He-hey wait!!"


You reached Josuke's house, which was a few blocks from the school. You walked towards the door and took a deep breath.

You knocked. Nothing.

You knocked again. Nothing.

You started to knock more and more and it's probably annoying the one whoever is inside. If there is anyone.

As you were about to give up, the door was opened violently "What the hell do yo-!"

Josuke started at you and looked like he's buffering and as he realized it's you he jumped back.

"What you doing here?" he said that more gentle this time. "I was worried that you didn't come back when the teacher sent you to the principle's office."

"As you might expect, I got suspended." your eyes widen. "Why?!"

"Destruction of school property and physical attack on students." Josuke said that without any care whatsoever.

"And you're fine with that?" he shrugged.

"I mean, if anybody disses my hair. They know what to expect what'll happen to them. I don't care if I get suspended or expelled.

Because those assholes have nothing better to do in life, so why not drop out." he growled lowly but calmed as he doesn't want to rage in front of you.

"You go home now. It's getting late." he waved his hand goodbye and slowly closed the door but you blocked it with your foot.

"Just...stay out of trouble Josuke-san." Josuke's eyes widen but then soften. He smiled at you within the crack of the door.

"Promise no promises Y/n-san." then he fully closed the door. You stood in the porch for awhile.

You started feeling fuzzy and warm inside. But you shook it off was you've been wanting sleep for the whole day.

what is this? 

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