{partII} n i n e💫

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hayato is pacing around his room, thinking of ways to destroy is loop. as far as he can remember, every event happened in every two minuets.

8:30AM is the time when rohan blew up, 8:32AM is when okuyasu arrived and 8:34AM is when josuke arrived and blew up too.

right now it's 7:30AM. which was a little early for hayato to wake up even in a looping time.

then something came into hayato's mind. is that weird cat like flower still here? hayato looked out his window to see if the plant is still in the front garden.

unfortunately, it wasn't.

hayato grabbed his bag, walked out of his room and slowly walked around the hallway. he opened his parent's bedroom and started to looked for the plant.

he checked the closet, under the bed, and the cabinets. nothing. hayato sighed and moved on to the attic.

he grabbed the hook for the attic stairs and reached the hole to let the stairs down. the stairs made an inconvenient creak.

hayato bit his lip as he fully extended the stairs. he walked up the attic and covered his nose due to immense amount of dust.

hayato looked around with the help of the sunlight pouring through a single round window. then he spotted a white blanket covering something.

he hastily walked over to it, he reached for the blanked. hayato gulped and uncovered whatever it was covering.

the plant!

hayato smiled but turned into fear, the plant slowly opened it's eyes then it stared to hayato. it hissed at hayato which it blew air bullets that hayato can't see.

hayato flew a gush of air nearly hit him then behind him, something got destroyed. hayato jumped due from the sounds it made.

he looked behind to see a medium size hole visible in the wall. hayato turned back to the plant, it still hissed at him. hayato squeaked then he reached for the blanket and threw it onto the plant.

it stopped hissing and soon after, it calmed down. hayato sighed in relief and looked at the sunlight.

so it's active and aggressive by sunlight? or isn't because it was exposed? ugh whatever it's coming with me to take that monster down.

hayato settled his bag down, he slowly scooped the plant which is lowly growled but stayed docile. as he placed the plant fully in the bag, he quickly shut it and locked his bag.

hayato finally went down the attic and quickly retracted the stairs. he fixed and dusted himself then went down downstairs.

he looked at the clock, 7:40AM. it took hayato 10 minuets to get the plant?! whatever, before hayato go to the dinning table, he went to the phone line and dialed a number.

"hayato? who are you calling?" his mother asked, coming out of the kitchen. hayato looked at his mother for a second before nodding then hanged up.

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