f i v e💫

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"You're suspended?" asked Jotaro. Both Jotaro and Josuke are in a cafe.

"Yeah. It'll be a few weeks for me to return back to school." Josuke said as he took a bite out of his cake that Jotaro ordered for him.

"After you finished that. Come to the fields with me."

"Why? Another stand user on the loose?" Jotaro nodded.

"There have been reports of the crops being eaten and made the farmers distress."

"Pfft. It's probably a rat problem, they can just call the exterminator for them." then Jotaro rumbled through his bag and pulled out a file.

Josuke grabbed it and saw a mutilated body. Josuke almost threw up.

"What the hell is that?!"

"This stand user we're going to deal with is not a human that we're just gonna punch to death. You, have to work on your aim. Now hurry up and finish your cake." Jotaro said as he stood up.

Josuke blinked at him then shoved half of the cake in his mouth and stood up too.

"Let's go."


Both Josuke and Jotaro are now in the woods and three cans are set on the fence for aiming.

Jotaro picked up three pebbles, Star Platinum appeared behind him then he shot every can perfectly.

Josuke looked in awe, "My turn!!" he excitedly walked to where Jotaro stood. He grabbed a few pebbles and aimed.

He shot the first one, then the second and the last one at a fast speed. The first was shot, the second hit the fence and the last one just clearly missed it's target.

Josuke stood there in disbelief. He slowed turned to look at Jotaro, who is unfazed of his performance.

He sighed and walked up to the fence, removed the damaged ones and placed it with new ones.

"We're going to deal with a new enemy, not just a human, but an animal. Whatever that animal maybe, it'll run away from us when it sees us. I want you to work on your aim again so you'll get to use this." Jotaro pulled something out of his pocket.


Josuke's eyes widen and stepped back. "I'm gonna use that?!" Jotaro nodded, he grabbed Josuke's hand and gave him three shells.

"Use them only when you see the threat." said Jotaro with a strict voice. Josuke gulped and nodded.

"Now, take aim again." he faced the fence again and took a deep breath. He aimed for the cans again, he shot all of it at the same time.

The first one, was shot, also the second then the third.

Josuke jumped happily at his achievement. "I did it!!" he smiled brightly and continued to jump.

"Come on, we're going." Jotaro said as he started to walk away.

"Ha?! Already!?" Jotaro didn't reply and just kept walking. "W-wait Jotaro-san!!"

After a while, they came to a sewer. Josuke is covering his nose is disgust, while Jotaro is just too busy to notice the smell.

Jotaro walked around in the tall grass then spotted a lot of mosquitoes roaming around a few inches ahead of Jotaro.

He grabbed the grass covering it, then revealed a cube like meat filled with dead rats.

"Hey what is i-wh WAAAAAH!!!" Josuke screamed as he saw this horrid sight.

Josuke grabbed a stick and poked it, "Don't poke it!!" then blood oozed out of the cube. Jotaro dropped the stick and looked down at the ground to see little footsteps.

"A rat did this."

"Huh? Why would it kill it's own kind?"

"Probably for greedy reasons." Jotaro started to go up the hill and then saw a house just up ahead.

"This sewer system goes up ahead to the house. This rat could be a stand user and could've possibly attacked the people living there, if we're too late."

"Then what the hell are we waiting for?! Let's go!" then Josuke go on and ran towards the farmhouse while Jotaro is on his tail.

When they arrived at the house. They noticed the door was open, they went in the house and looked around for any suspicious things.

"Check the living room and kitchen, I'll check upstairs." Josuke nodded and Jotaro went upstairs cautiously.

Josuke first checked the kitchen since it's right in front of him. He gone in then the refrigerator suddenly opened on it's own.

Light started to seep in the dark kitchen floor then revealed a fat rat eating the same cube like meat but this time it's not rats.

it's humans.

Josuke felt like gagging, then he realized. He scrambled to get the shells out of his pocket and back away careful not to alert the rat.

But a creaky floor is being a douche today and started to make a noise when he stepped on it.

The rat stopped eating and looked at Josuke. It's dark eyes met his blue eyes. Then it ran.

"Crazy Diamond!" Josuke aimed for the rat who kept on running trying to make Josuke confuse.

Josuke growled and shot the rat but he missed. He clicked his tongue and tried to aim it again.

As he got a steady aim, he took a deep breath and released the shell which shot the rat and it made some suffering noise.


Josuke jumped but then calmed down as it's just Jotaro with a injured hand?

"Jotaro-san, what happened?"

"A rat attacked me too upstairs, it shot some kind of dart. I tried to touch it but it melted my skin as it made contact. That's what probably happen to the rats and the people." he said as he looked at the refrigerator.

"I see you shot it. Good job." Josuke slightly smiled, "Where did the other rat go?"

"It ran."

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