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We were all buzzing with nerves. I was desperately trying not to get too nervous, holding Frank's hand as the van wove it's way through late-morning traffic towards our destination. I'd risked my life countless times before, but this time was different.

I had so much more at stake, so much more to lose. There was Frank, Mikey was in on it for once, Ray, I'd even grown attached to Pete and Patrick. I barely knew Brendon and Jimmy, yet there was sense of comradeship among us, a feeling I had never gotten the opportunity to experience as a solo assassin.

This was the mission to decide the rest of my life. I could fail and die, or succeed and build a new life with the people I loved. To me, the answer seemed clear, it was accomplishing it that was the issue. I was no idiot, I knew how small the chances were of our plan working, but I was also incredibly stubborn, as were the rest of the team. We were going to see this through.

Frank's thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of my hand, but I could tell that he was just as nervous as I was. We were putting our lives on the line for this, and none of us could know how this was going to end.

"We might die today." Brendon blurted out suddenly, voicing everyone's unspoken thoughts and feelings. Jimmy laughed quietly, not bothering to reply or explain the cause behind his laughter.

Frank leaned against my side tentatively, his body heat soothing me instantly as I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and held him close.

"We're fighting to survive." I spoke, "That gives us the upper hand, because this battle is the one that wins the war, and what's at stake is our lives. What motivation can they have that can compare to that?" Everyone was silent, and I almost expected them to joke about what I had said, but they didn't. Instead, I received a round of sober nods as the van pulled to stop. We had arrived.

We were parked on a small side street, wide enough to have it's own name, but small enough that it was largely ignored. It was a relatively creepy road, with a cemetery on one side and the side of a strip club on the other. The faded street sign read, "Cemetery Drive".

Our destination, however, was neither the cemetery nor the the strip club. We were here for the sewer entrance. This sewer entrance happened to have a full sized tunnel, large enough for humans, that led to a maintenance tunnel which stretched out underneath our final target.

Jimmy got to work opening the sewer as the rest of us gathered our gear. Guns and knives were strapped on, bags were packed, and Jimmy took the case that contained the laser before proceeding to enter the sewer first.

I waited, allowing people to go one-by-one until I was the last one. I locked the car, lowering myself on to the ladder and descending enough that I could replace the sewer cover slightly off-kilter so as to be easily removed for our escape. Trying not to breathe through my nose at the pungent smell of rodents and human waste, I lowered myself reluctantly in to the dark sewer after the rest of my team.

The entire sewer was pitch black, and a squelching noise resonated as my combat boots landed in what I could only assume was rain mixed with shit. The air was heavy with human pollution, and the smell was now strong enough to knock a weaker man out. A flashlight illuminated the dark space, courtesy of Frank, and I glanced around. We were at a dead end, but the passage opened up in the other direction.

For as far as I could see with the flashlight's beam, the sewage tunnel was made of stone reinforced with metal rods. There was half a foot of water at our feet, containing far too much human waste for my liking. The water seemed dirty, obviously, and almost tinted yellow, although that could have just been the flashlight.

Countless rats scurried around, recoiling from the beam of the flashlight like it would burn their flesh. Clearly, there had been no maintenance or anything of the sort done in this particular area of sewer for a very long time. The stone was crumbling in some places, the metal rods bending under the pressure of the stone that they supported in certain places.

"At least it's nicer than some bars I've been in." Brendon joked as he looked around, earning a collective nervous chuckle from us as we sloshed in the proper direction. We wanted a reason to laugh, to be at ease, but so much was going on and so much was at stake that it was impossible. Seriousness could be a good thing in our field, but not when too much of it left room for the nerves and fear of what was to come to take over our minds and paralyze us at what could be crucial moments.

Almost trying to remind myself that I knew what I was doing, I tugged the map from my pocket and looked at it one last time, now having fully memorized our route. As soon as I was finished pointlessly staring at it for the last time, I got out my lighter, lit the paper, and allowed it to fall in to the sewer water as it burned. We couldn't allow anyone who might capture one of us to be able to figure out so easily where the others were and where they were headed.

"Everyone's got the map memorized okay?" I questioned as I led us all forward, Frank close behind with his flashlight shining ahead. Needing human comfort, I reached back and grabbed his hand. I could see no more than a foot in front of me, so I picked my footing carefully. Every twist and turn came as a surprise, causing me to almost lose my balance and fall in to the mess we stood in more than once. Once everyone had reassured me that yes, they knew the map off by heart, we put our earpieces in. Pressing the small button on the side with the index finger of my free hand, I addressed Mikey.

"Is everything okay back there?" Removing my finger, I waited a split second before my brother responded, in all of our earpieces, judging from the way everyone winced at how loud his voice was. Jimmy even tripped slightly and almost went headfirst in to the human mess beneath us.

"Yep! What about there?" He was obviously too close to the mic, judging from how his voice was much louder and more crackly than it had to be. I sighed a sigh that was equal parts exasperation and affection, the signs of an older sibling, as I pressed the button once more.

"Yes, we're good. We're in the sewer, on our way in. And for the love of God, lower your damn voice." I hoped that he wouldn't take it offensively, and that it might sound like I was half-kidding. There was the sound of a small shuffle, then he spoke again, "Sorry about that." I could tell that he was embarrassed, and the fact that everyone else had heard our conversation probably did nothing but make it worse.

"Don't worry about it, Mikes. Do you have our tracking devices up on one of the screens?" I added the latter question to change the topic, knowing that the answer to my question was most likely as yes. A small pause, then, "Yeah they're all up, I can see you all." Pete said, having been passed the microphone by my younger brother. "Alright, thanks Pete. No conversation for a bit, guys. Let's focus on getting there." I ordered.

Everyone went silent, the sheer anxiety of our current dire situation setting in as we walked through the sewer.


Oooh suspense

If anyone wants to contact me about anything, and I mean anything, you can
kik me: 4help
follow my tumblr: gerardmywaydowntown
or message me on here

*awkwardly dances away from self-promotion*

I've been thinking of updating an extra time mid-week next week, so we'll see about that

I'm so excited I'm seeing omam and linkin park and rise against in february asdfghjjlfldlsldkgkfkdskdk

Keep running, and remember to create and destroy as you see fit

~Dani ♥

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