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The trip back to the sewer entrance at Cemetery Drive was uneventful.

Lyn-Z tried to climb up first but I grabbed her arm, "If you go up first, there's a ninety percent chance that they'll panic because they don't know you and shoot you." Grinning broadly, she stepped away from the ladder, "Ladies first."

Scowling at her sarcastic tone, I hauled myself up the ladder and out of the sewer.

The van was right where we'd left it, across the street from the sewer entrance. Parked beside it was a car that I didn't recognize, but I recognized it's occupants. Pete and Patrick were sitting in the front, with a very angry looking Mikey in the back.

A sigh escaped at the sight of Pete and Patrick talking and laughing in the front seat, completely oblivious to how much they were shutting out my brother. "Guys, you can come up." I called down to everyone else.

Frank came up first, taking one glance at the car before wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "It'll be okay, Gee."

I smiled at my boyfriend, who seemed to always know what I was thinking. "Thank you." I murmured, taking his hand and walking to the car. They all got out as we approached and Jimmy and Lyn-Z walked up behind us.

Pete's hand went to the gun at his side, "Who is that?" He demanded, glaring at Lyn-Z. I turned around in time to see her roll her eyes, "I'm Lyn-Z, and I saved all of their lives." He glanced at me for confirmation and I nodded reluctantly, "It's true."

"So she's working with us now?" Mikey asked, earning a round of nods from all that had been down in the sewer. She had beyond proved herself. Lyn-Z had saved our lives, exposed a traitor, and made a gay joke all within the space of ten minutes. She was going to get along with us.

"Cookie?" Patrick offered her with a friendly smile, fixing his fedora and holding out a Tupperware container full of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Lyn-Z accepted one gratefully, and Frank took one while the rest of us declined.

Mikey rolled his eyes at Patrick, "He left work and met us here." He seemed incredibly displeased to see the other man here, and Frank shot me a meaningful look to show that he'd noticed the tension as well. I didn't think that anyone but Frank and I had noticed his displeasure until Lyn-Z spoke up. "So what's going on here? You two are dating?" She pointed at Pete and Mikey, "But you two like each other?" She gestured towards Pete and Patrick. All three men involved looked at the ground, their faces red.

"So much drama." She laughed to herself, "But we don't have time to deal with all of your fucked up relationships right now, we have to go." I shook my head, knowing she was right. "Let's ditch your car, Pete. Your organization will know you have it." We all piled in to the van, and I removed the back seats, tossing them on the side of the street to make room for people to just sit. Frank sat in the passenger's seat, and I in the driver's.

"Where to?" He asked as I started the van with a worryingly rattling rumble.

"I need you to call Ray from my phone and ask him to meet us at the arranged place." I told Frank, who nodded and accepted my cellphone as I passed it to him. I had no password and Ray was one of the very few people in my contacts, so he had no trouble placing the call.

"Hello?" Frank spoke in to the phone.

There was a pause, then, "Yes it's Frank. We've got it. Brendon's dead."

Another pause, "Yeah, he did. The fucker."

"Ten minutes." He looked over at me for approval and I nodded.

"Alright, bye."

Frank turned to me, "He'll meet us there in ten minutes." I nodded, pressing on the accelerator so that the van started forward with a lurch. I tucked a reminder away in to the back of my mind to acquire a new vehicle if we were to be engaging in any chases or escapes anytime soon.

We made it to the meeting spot, a small park, within less than ten minutes. We had been conveniently close by. Ray was already there, sitting on a bench and staring straight ahead, waiting for me. We parked beside the park and I got out of the van, walking by him casually and slipping him the file without so much as a glance towards him.

Once I had done a circle of the perimeter of the park and gotten back to the van, I pulled out my phone and called him.


"Hey Ray. You know what to do now, right?"

"Yeah Gerard, go to the boss, tell her I found it in the archives, wait until she's read it and begun plotting her revenge, then split."

I grinned, "Three cheers for sweet revenge." Then I hung up.

Shifting my body so that I was facing everyone where they were cramped in to the back, Pete awkwardly in between Mikey and Patrick, I addressed them. "We were counting on using Pete's apartment as our base of operations. Now that they know about it, we're pretty much fucked and we need a place to stay. Any ideas?"

Patrick raised a tentative hand, "I have a secret apartment that I always kept as a backup plan because I was afraid of the organization turning on me. No one knows about it and it's big enough to house all of us."

Pete hugged Patrick, causing Mikey to scowl and me to begin to worry about his loyalty to my brother, "That's great, Trick!"

Lyn-Z looked from Pete to Mikey and laughed, "There's either a breakup or angry sex in store for you." She laughed. Mikey blushed and rolled his eyes, "Can we just go already?" He asked, shooting me a pleading look. I glanced at Patrick.


He gave me the address and I punched it in to the mapping app on my phone. As I started the van, I heard Mikey mutter something about getting through the next few days without murdering either Pete or Patrick.

These next few days certainly promised to be interesting.


Gerard Sleigh more like Gerard Slay amiright

Always remember that happiness ends with penis ((the picture on the side though))

Kinda, I mean it sounds like it

Because ew penises

Girls are great

So my friend and I were talking about how I live in Canada and we have bagged milk and it occurred to me that Brendon and Ryan would love it here

Also, I've decided on a name for my condition. I'm a shipaholic. I'm addicted to shipping

Someday this will be recognized



The Truth Hurts More Than Anything (Peterick AU) by snapcracklepop_punk

I dyed a streak of my hair red but it faded to tomato Gerard colour and it makes me happy

Remember to create and destroy(a) as you see fit

~Dani ♡

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