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It had been a long time since I had been this angry with my little brother.

I understood that Mikey was hurting, but that was no excuse for making someone else hurt too. And Pete...that asshole! To flirt with Patrick while dating Mikey, then sleep with Mikey while leading Patrick on...

When a slightly rumpled Pete emerged from the room, I pressed my forearm to his throat and shoved him against the wall. He kicked at me, which I dodged easily, applying more pressure to his neck until he stopped fighting me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I demanded angrily.


"You know what the fuck I mean. Leading my brother and Patrick on. Make a choice or I swear I'll kill you. Neither of them deserve this shit."

"Can't I have fun?" Pete sounded smug, and I really wanted to punch his face in, but I knew the others would probably object. Besides, I had to lead this group. Beating one of them up would set a bad precedent.

"Not at the expense of people I care about."

"Gerard?" I glanced behind me to see who was talking, and saw Patrick. She was staring at us with wide eyes, brushing away the remnants of her tears. "What are you doing?"

I sighed and removed my arm from Pete's neck, "Reminding him about basic human decency." I said, and strode away. If I stayed in the same space as Pete for any longer, I would have hurt him. Badly.

Frank sat up carefully as I entered our room. "What's wrong?" He asked immediately.

I told him the truth, sinking down onto the bed with my head in my hands. When did life get so damn complicated? Emotions fucking suck.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" Frank punched a pillow as I finished talking, "How are we supposed to operate as a team if Pete is messing with people's feelings?"

I sighed. "I don't know. All I know is we leave tomorrow, and if we fuck it up we'll be killed. I just might kill Pete either way."

"Gerard, I know you're angry." Frank rested a gentle hand on my shoulder, and I instinctively leaned into the touch. "But we can't afford to turn on each other now. Especially you, as our semi-official leader."

"I know. I just hate how much hurt he's causing. Mikey and Patrick don't deserve that."

Frank nodded, then winced.

"Oh Frank, I'm so sorry. I'm rambling on about this shit while you're in pain."

Frank opened his mouth to say something, then closed it abruptly, his face pale with pain as his eyes filled up with tears.

I grabbed the first aid kit and had him swallow some painkillers.

Carefully, I peeled back his bandages. A genuine sigh of relief escaped my mouth. He had barely bled since I last changed the bandages, and it was clear that he was healing. There were no signs of infection.

"How's it look?" Frank asked, and I could tell he was worried. Strange as it might sound, it was good that he was worried. It meant he was past his 'Just let me die' comments. He wanted to live, and he would.

"Much better. You'll be on your feet in another couple of days." I kissed his cheek.

"When can I have sex again?" He asked, because of course that was his most pressing concern.

"Another couple of days." I repeated, grinning at the disappointment on his face.


"Yes, seriously. Don't rush it, sweetheart. I don't want to set back your healing."

Frank Iero Must Die {Frerard}Where stories live. Discover now