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Wonderful. I had sex with a guy two days before I'm supposed to kill him. Well this is just lovely!

I get myself into the best goddamn situations.

I was frozen in place in my car, so worried about what I was going to do about the situation with Iero, that I didn't notice the man in question stalking towards me until he slapped the roof of the car, making me jump.

I instantly had my gun out and pointed at his face, only to find that he had done the exact same to me. My window was open, so we were staring directly down the barrel of each other's gun.

Frank's eyes widened when he saw me, "You? What the fuck are you doing here?" I didn't reply, my gun still directed at him. He groaned, looking up and down the street quickly, "Holy fuck, people are really starting to stare at us."

He was right, but no one seemed all too bothered. This kind of thing was probably a weekly occurance in this part of town.

I eased out of the car, careful not to let my gun waver. "Let's go inside." Frank suggested, and I allowed a smirk to play over my features. "Honey, if you wanted it again all you had to do was ask."

He raised an eyebrow at my stupid flirting and we proceeded to walk inside, guns at the ready.

* * *

Despite it's outward appearance, Iero kept the inside of his house moderately neat. Nothing seemed too expensive though, leaving me to assume that he probably wasn't a killer for the money.

Obviously, his abusive father was a huge factor in to why he did this and why he was the way he was.

I'd had a friend in school, before my dad sent me away, that had been abused. For her it had been both of her parents that hit her...until she committed suicide.

Frank certainly handled that problem differently. Or maybe not. Maybe killing others isn't so different from killing yourself.

I snapped myself out of my deep, and untimely, thoughts as Frank kicked the door shut behind us.

"Who are you?" he asked threateningly, but I just smiled. If I was going to fuck this contract up, and possibly die at the hands of the very person I was sent to kill, I might as well be an antagonizing little shit.

"The guy whose ass your dick was in last night, obviously." "Yeah that was a little out of character for me." Iero muttered, and I grinned even more. "Me too. If you ever want to try the way it normally is, let me know."

His brow creased in a fashion that was, I must say, quite attractive. "You still haven't told me who you are and why you're here."

I dropped my annoying act and smiled, suddenly sinister. "You'll see." With that, I swung my leg out, hooking it with his and sending him tumbling to the ground.

I ducked just before he fired a bullet in my direction, diving behind the sofa. Loud popping sounds erupted as he fired at the sofa until it was probably riddled with holes.

Luckily for me, it was thick enough to catch most of the bullets. The rest, I was able to dodge.

"Who sent you?" Frank yelled, giving me a good idea of his location: behind the armchair across the room. "Well that's an awfully cliché thing to say, now isn't it?" Grumbling could be heard from Iero's direction and I used his distraction to fire at him three times.

The first two missed, but Frank grunted in pain as the third embedded itself in his right shoulder, making him drop his gun.

I leaned out from behind the couch again and was about to put a bullet in his brain when a sudden pain slammed in to my lower arm, causing me to fall to the side.

I quickly got to my feet, cursing and holding the fresh bullet wound on my arm. Frank couldn't have done this, so who did? I peered out the window and gasped at what I saw.

Dozens of SWAT team members flooded towards the house, opening fire. I dove behind the armchair next to Iero, wincing at the sharp pain in my arm.

I looked at Frank as the hail of bullets continued around us. "You wouldn't happen to have an escape route, would you?"

Frank raised an eyebrow, "I'm an assassin, what do you think?" he said, voice dripping with sass and sarcasm. Well this was a new side of Frank Iero.

He smirked widely at me and I wished I hadn't dropped my gun so I could shoot him right in his annoying, adorable little face.

"Well, unless you invited the SWAT team over, I think you have some unwanted guests. We should probably get out of here."

Frank cursed under his breath, pressing a button that was embedded in the underside of the armchair. Immediately, a panel in the floor slid open and he lowered himself in, me following closely behind. So that was what he spent the money he earned on.

My feet touched the ground and I found that this underground tunnel was probably only about five feet high. Frank barely had to duck.

He started sprinting through the tunnel and I followed blindly. I knew this was a bad idea, but it was different and exciting, and that was just what I needed.

"Where the hell are we gonna go?" Frank asked, as the tunnel met up with the sewer system and we began wading through water full of rats and human waste.

"We?" I asked, and he rolled his eyes. "Just until we figure out what's going on. Someone obviously tipped them off and it could be either of our organizations. Then you can try to kill me all you want."

We reached a place where sun spilled through a grate overhead. As we pulled ourselves up through the opening and in to one of New York's smaller public parks, I formed a plan.

"How do you feel about New Jersey?"

"New Jersey? I grew up there. Why?"

I hesitated, "See, I have this brother..."

Haaaaappy friday!

I'm very lost in Destiel feels at the moment, anyone else?

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