Mall Time

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Ochako's P.O.V (I realised it been a while since I have done this)

When we arrived at the mall Koushi walked away heading straight to a fast food restaurant leaving Deku-kun and I alone, we went to a noodle shop and get some food for us, and then sat at the food court. After 5 minutes of silence between both of us I finally spoke up.

"So, this week has been pretty eventful hasn't it?"

"Y-yeah, it has only been two days since we came back to U.A. and we had to move into dorms. Fight a tournament and create special moves"

"Yeah, hopefully things don't stay this hectic for too long"

The silence came back since I had run out of conversation topics and we finished the food so now I no longer have an excuse for the silence, as I was looking around, I spotted Koushi walking this way carrying a large amount of burgers, I sighed a breath of relief when I saw him since the silence between Deku and I was getting suffocating.

"So howzit going" Koushi asked.

"I a-am fine"

"Me t-too"

"Well, I have to ask, does Bakugo always have that much of a... Short fuse"

"He does have a short temper, but he is a great student... when he is not interacting with people." Deku said.

"Welp, as long as he doesn't get too hot headed in battle, I'm fine with him"

"Speaking of battling, how did you and Yuriko do that thing where you looked... Cold?" I asked

"Yeah, I have been meaning to ask that. When you did that it felt like something similar to when Kacchan and I were fighting All Might. Except it felt less intimidating and more unhinged."

"Okay first things first, YOU FOUGHT ALL MIGHT! And next is that thing Yuriko and I did is pretty hard to explain, its like more an instinct or something. Wait how can I explain this..." Koushi trails off as he starts mumbling before he suddenly snaps his fingers "I got it! You know how when you are doing something intense in a fight or sport and everything irrelevant just seems to vanish, you become more focused and you tend to ignore limits of your body?"

"Yes?" both Deku and I replied.

"Well its sorta like that. Whenever that happens to me, it feels like I can reach my 100% in a fight, all outside noise and thoughts just disappear and I get some sort of tunnel vision effect where I can only focus on the goal in front of me. It's kinda like getting into the Zone when fighting and I begin to rely on my instincts. Though a funny thing when this happens is I begin to ignore the draw back to my quirk so once I break out of this state of mind the drawback tends to hit me pretty hard, so I only use it as a last resort in a battle"

"But how do you get into this state of mind so easily" Deku-kun asked while writing invisible notes.

"It isn't easy there are some requirements to do it, but I guess it has something to do with my breathing. When I was training my quirk, I tried to do something to keep a level head through a fight while having the pain from the drawback and one of my brothers suggested meditation. So, while meditating regularly I was training my quirk and it ended up helping because whenever I take a deep breath and focus on my goal, I can put myself into that mindset. Well there are more steps involved but I think you get the jist of it. I think Yuriko's trigger is similar. But I don't know since she didn't do meditation like I did to learn that trick." Koushi finished explaining by taking a bite out of his last burger, wait when did he finish the others. "But enough about me, I want to ask you two something."

"What do you want to ask?" I said while taking a sip of iced tea I bought.

"How long have you two been dating?" Koushi said with a smirk on his face. Not that I would have noticed, seeing as spat out my drink as soon as he asked that.

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