Chapter 1~Crushes are real💕(revised)

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Denki's POV

It's the first day back after fall break and I'm already freaking out. Mr. Aizawa never told us that the mind control kid was joining our class! I CAN'T HANDEL THE CUTENESS THIS KID HAS! Wait, did I just think that? I can't be thinking that right now. I need to find my soulmate first.

About 5 minutes later, I just happened to be staring at the boy when my best friend, Kirishima, walked up to me.

"Hey Denks," Kirishima says with his usual toothy shark like grin, "whatcha staring at?"

"What? I'm not staring," I says while rubbing the back of my neck, trying not to blush. NO one can find out about this.

"Whatever dude," Kiri replied knowing something was up. He then walked off to find his bi-colored hair boyfriend, Todoroki. They really are a cute couple but they're cringy as fuck. All lovey dovey and shit, maybe I'm just jealous but who knows.

I was just about to go back to staring at the purple haired insomniac, when Mina, aka Mama Mina, aka my other best friend, walked in.

"DENKI MA BOIIIII," Mina yelled.

"HEYYYY GIRLL,"I shouted back to my best friend flinching a bit. I forgot how loud we can be together.

"Sooo, find any cute boys over the break," Mina asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

"N-not over break but maybe l-like five minutes ago," I said stumbling over my words. My god I hate myself and this stupid stutter.

"Awwwww. My baby boy has a crushhhhh!"

"Mina! You can't say that! I'll slip." I say in a hushed whisper. Mina is the only person, besides the teachers, that knew about my little space. She is also my caregiver, well, at least until I find my soulmate. My timer/watch said that I have five days until I meet my soulmate. That means on Saturday I should meet my soulmate.

"Earth to Denkiiiii," Mina said while holding out the "I" in my name.

"S-sorry Mina.. Just thinking about Saturday," I said blushing a small bit.

"What's Saturday? Hmmhhh?"

"W-well I'm meeting my soulmate den a-and I'm a bi-bit nervous," I said starting to slip into little space because of the stress of the upcoming days. Mina saw this and quickly said the code word "Shovel" and I nodded. We've always used it cause the first time she found out about my little space is when I tripped over a shovel. It's a long story. Anyways, she went over to Aizawa and said something quickly and quietly. He nodded and gave her a paper.

"Common Denki, we're gunna go to the dorms," Mina said in a hushed voice.
"O-otay Mimi,"  I said quietly as we started to walk away. I wanted to be carried but never in front of the others. They'd make fun of me and I can't handle that.

•Hey guys, (conner here) it's your author! I just wanna day that if your seeing this and reading it, thank you! It's the first fanfic I'm actually posting. I'll try to get 1-3 chapters out a week. That's 4-12 chapters a month. With school and all the after school activity's I do, it's hard to find time to write. I'll probably post every Saturday and maybe every Tuesday. I hope you enjoy the book and remember this is a very safe place. NO HATE IS ALOUD! If you need someone to talk to, DM me and I will try to help. Go over to Instagram and follow Wattpad_Demons and that's where you will get updates on chapters! Give me an idea to call you all please! I love you all! Have a good day/afternoon/night!•

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