Chapter 9-Little Friends/Date days😝(revised)

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~Ok ok I'm back and writing on my laptop. This is an actual chapter. I knew I had to put something out and fast as I don't like to keep y'all waiting too long if possible. I got inspired by a couple books I've been reading on here so here you go. The song at the top is something I listen to constantly and I'm listening to it as I write this. It is a 1 hour repeat so yeaaaa. Before I go, have this memory from my last chapter when I fell asleep writing. "Shinso kissed his forehead and fell asleep about 5 minutes a me mm mmfter." (I'm keeping this here cause it's funny to me) I hope you enjoy!~

Denki's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night very deep in little space so deep that I didn't know anything happening. Something clicked and I somehow remembered Shinso was with me. It was storming and I was scared so I went to reach over for him so we could cuddle. But when I saw that daddy wasn't with me, I started to freak out.

3rd POV

Denki grabbed his purple and yellow cat blankey, his pink alien paci Mina gave to him and ran out his dorm. He looked both ways down the hall before waddling down to what he though was Mina's room. Little did he know(PUN SO INTENDED MY DUDES), he had walked down the wrong way. He knocked on the door and waited. What felt like forever was probably only about 10 seconds later. Izuku opened the door and looked at the tiny pikachu look-a-like before understanding what was going on. You see, Izuku had a little of his own. It just happened that Bakugo was his little and what seemed to be perfect timing for him but not anyone else, Bakugo started to cry. Izuku quickly scooped Denki up, closed the door and sat him on his bed. Izuku then grabbed Bakugo's bottle and gave it to him hoping to quiet his cries. Thank All Might it worked.

"So little one, what are you doing up and out of bed," Izuku asked Denki in a calm and soothing voice, trying not to scare him more than he seemed to be.

"I-I got scared b-by b-bo-booms ousid a-an daddy was no wiv me s-so I wen to f-find mimi b-but I wen da ron way," Denki stuttered out as he had tears rolling down his cheeks. Bakugo heard his voice and sat up right away, his head cocked to the side.

"Uus otay letric," Bakugo asked his electric friend. He'd never admit it of course, but he did care.

"N-no.. I no kno wher daddy or mimi is."

"It otay. Daddy and I will help you, right daddy," Bakugo said to his friend while cuddling up to him to comfort him. Maybe his soft side was okay, but just for now.

"Of course we will. Now, come on you two. We are going on a little walk to mimi Mina's room," Izuku said to the two littles. The two nodded as Denki was still silently crying. The three of them walked down the hall and to Mina's dorm, Izuku holding Bakugo's hand and the little grenade holding Denki's. Izuku knocked on her door to have her answer in only about five seconds. Damn this girl was fast. Mina opened the door to see her two favorite littles before noticing that Denki was crying. She scooped him up and cradled him in her arms like she was never going to let go.

"What happened and why is my baby crying," Mina asked Izuku like a worried sick mother. She felt like she truly was, I mean she had been Denki's care giver for quite a few years now.

"I just found him at my door crying and he told me that he got scared of the storm outside." Mina thanked Izuku and told him to go back to his dorm and to put Bakugo back to bed. Mina then took Denki back to his dorm and cuddled him while texting shinso, quite angrily may I add.

AlienBitch: Bro where the fuck are you?

InsomniacAss: In the kitchen, why?


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