Update/maybe a small filler

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~Yo! So I have not a fucking clue what to write cause I just can't think and I'm not liking this story anymore. Please give me ideas cause I wanna write for you. Also, I wanna do a q & a so give me questions for,


-little me








Now,  I shall give you a SMALL filler~

Denki's POV

I woke up in a place I didn't recognize. I was on a chair in a dark room with my hands tied behind my back. 

"Oh well well well. Looks like you're finally awake. How was your nap?" I heard a raspy voice say. I didn't respond cause I recognized the voice.


"FUCK YOU! HOW DID YOU EVEN FIND ME?! YOU LEFT ME YEARS AGO!" I scream at my father. He became a villain when I was 8 and left my family to fend for ourselves. After screaming at him, my father smacked me harshly on my face and then kicked my stomach. I groaned and bent over in pain. I wanted to go back to Shinso and cuddle him but NO! MY DUMB ASS FUCKING SHITTY, BITCHY SPERM DONNER THAT I USED TO CALL DAD HAD TO TAKE ME! I felt like slipping into little space but I couldn't. 

"So, son. Are you ready to join your old man yet? That quirk of yours could help you become one of the greatest villains. You could take over the world with me!"

"I already told you, I will NEVER join you or use my quirk for harm! I AM A HERO SO FUCK OFF! MY BOYFRIEND IS PROBABLY ALREADY ON HIS WAY!" That's where I messed up.

"NO SON OF MINE WILL BE SOME SHITTY FAG!" He than untied me and started to hit and kick me everywhere. After, he took out a knife and started to cut my wherever he felt like it. When he was done with his fit, he walked out of the room, locked the door and left me to suffer.

~Ok so I'm done for the day. I told you it would be small so yea. I love you all and PLEASE, Ask as many questions as you want!

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