Chapter 4~My Pikachu ⚡(revised)

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Ok have this. I wrote some of it on the bus sooooo yea... Also, I've been pretty sick lately and so if I'm not writing, reading or drawing, I'm probably sleeping trying to get better. I'll try to get another chapter out this week. Anyway, I love you all! Have a good day/afternoon/night. If it's night for you, please get some rest and sleep well my weebs!

Shinso's POV

I had just gotten the gift for Denki out of my room.
'I really hope he enjoys it.' I thought while walking down the hall. I was almost to Denki's dorm when I noticed I was at Izuku's dorm. The weird thing was that I heard Bakugo's voice. It sounded like he was trying to tell deku he likes him.
"It's taken you long enough Bakuhoe," I say as I walk away an into Denki's dorm. All I hear is Bakugo's muffled yelling as I turn to the Pikachu who is now crying.

Denki's POV

I look up to see who walked into the room.
"P-papa," I say as Shinso walks over to me.
"What's wrong my baby Pikachu," Shinsou said while wiping my tears away.
"I-I fought d-d-daddy we-weft me."
"Come here my baby boy, daddy's got you," Shinso said while pulling my close to his chest. I snuggled into his chest.
"I was gunna wait to give you this but I can't wait. Give me your paci," Shinso said holding out his hand. I gave my blue paci to him confused and sad I no longer have my paci.
"Now open your mouth." I opened my mouth only for him to put a pacifier in it. Shinso then picks me up and brings me to the mirror. I see a yellow pacifier with tiny Pikachu's and lightning bolts on it.
"FANK UU DADDY," I tell as I suggle into his chest again.
"Of course my baby. Now, let's go snuggle and get some rest. Even though we don't have school tomorrow, you still need sleep," Shinso said while kissing my head.
"Wov tou dada."
"I love you too baby boy."

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