Chapter 3~ A Found Secret😶(revised)

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Denki's POV

"Bubs. Common, wake up," I hear Mina say as she rubs my back.
"I no wanna."
"Bubby's you have to!"
I whine and roll around until I fall of the bed.
"Denki," I hear Mina yell as she rushes to me. A flood of tears start to stream down my face as I curl into Mina. My head starts to pound and I get dizzy. I don't like this, I don't feel well, nap time again?
"Mimi, my hwed huwts," I say whimpering.

Mina's POV

"I know. I'll go get some medicine to make it better. Do you want me to kiss it better as well," I ask in a calm voice. He's always hurting himself and with how sensitive he is when little I have to be careful.
"Of course bubby," I say as I kiss his head. I then pick him up and go over to a cabinet on the wall in the bathroom and grab the liquid Tylenol. As I'm grabbing the small cup the medicine goes in, I hear a knock at the door.
"One moment," I shout as I set Denki on the counter walk to the door. This better be Kirk or Todo cause I swear to god if someone interrupts me tending to my sweet baby.

Shinsou's POV

When Mina opens the door I just stare past her at the cute boy sat on the counter that I saw earlier in class. He seems to be sucking on a pacifier. He is a little.
'Yesss' I think as the girl looks at me.
"Can I help you," Mina asks as she moves over a small bit, seeming a bit annoyed.
"Uhh, I actually came to ask you that. I was walking to my dorm when I heard crying," I say as I try to get another look at the adorable little.
"O-oh. Yeahhhh.. My uh- my friend just fell and he's a bit of a baby, right denks? Heh," Mina stutters out nervously.
"Wight Mimi," I hear the little say.
"You know I'm also a caregiver. You can't hide littles from other caregivers. They just naturally know," I say as I smile shyly as I rub the back of my neck.
"SHUT IT! Now just get in the dorm." Mina quickly shoved me in the dorm and to the little sat on the counter playing with a sippy cup.
"Can you please destract him while I give him his Tylenol?" I just nod my head as I grab my phone to pull up clean vines for the little. I can't have is little head filled with bad things.
"Papa," I hear the little say.
"H-huh," I question as I tilt my head.
"P-papa," Denki says as he tries to jump off the counter. Next thing I know Denki is on the floor and I'm quickly picking him up before he cries. I sit on the floor with him and he cuddles up to me.

Mina's POV

"Ok s-," I stop mid sentence as I see the two boys cuddling on the floor watching vines. I don't want to interrupt this adorable moment but my little boy needs his medicine.
"Bubby I have your medicine," I say. He just whines back and hides his head in Shinsous chest.
"What if I give it to you," I hear Shinsou say.
"O-ot-otay, I guess," Denki said quietly.
"Come here then and sit on your bed," Shinsou said as I hand him the medicine.
"Open up little one. If you take it fast and quick I'll take you out and you can get something." Denki quickly opens his mouth for Shinsou. The Tylenol quickly slides down Denkis throat as he reaches for Shinsou to pick him up.
"Uppy pwease. I wan juice."

Shinsou's POV

"Alright, come here," I say as the little wraps his legs around my waist. My god he is too cute. I quickly find his sippy cup and give it to him. As I was talking to Mina, Denki laid his head on my shoulder and starts to fall asleep. I quickly and quietly bring him over to his bed and lay him down.
"N-no, downt weave papa," Denki cry's out.
"I'll be back little one. I'm just going to get something for you. I'll be right back. Mina, a moment in the hall?"
"What's up?"
"When I first saw Denks, I thought he was adorable and I knew I wanted him as mine. I also could tell he was a little. So, I had a pacifier made for him and I want to go get it. Can I give it to him?" I ask and blush slightly. I know, it's stupid having something done for someone I barely know but still, I felt the need too. It's like the universe is pushing me to him.
"Ahhhhh! Yes do it! He really likes you Shinsou. I also haven't had a night out so maybe you could stay with him tonight and watch him for me? Please?" She practically begs me.
"Of course I will. Give me like, 10 minutes to get my stuff and I'll be back," I smiled at her and walked off. Tonight will be awesome!

~Heyo y'all! Sorry for the delay with the new chapter 😅 I've been busy with schy, my nieces and nephew, Christmas and so much more. I'm also pretty sick at the moment so I'm not in the best mood. I'm so excited to be writing again though! If you want, you can give me ideas on what you want to happen in the next chapter. Also, what should I call you all? Like, I call everyone love it bebes but I want something special to call y'all soooo yeah! Anyway, I love you all and I'm always here for you! My dms are always open. Have a good day/afternoon/ night and yeah! Buh-bye!~

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