Chapter Four.

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Chapter 4: Samantha.

Elizabeth didn't really take note in regards to the new boy, it was pure coincidence when she glanced up at him and he acted the way he did.
Elizabeth was utterly stunned, not exactly sure as to why this guy made her feel the way she's currently feeling. The fact that he looked at her while kissing Jessica was disturbing. She couldn't actually come to a word to describe how it affected her. She still remembers how he flirted with Jessica behind her and he just arrived at this school. His a new student yet his such a player. She shouldn't have shown him kindness, she shouldn't have thought perhaps he'd be different. 'Guess that's how all guys are' she thinks as she shakes her head while turning around closing her locker. Her thoughts occupying her as she walks to the cafeteria, only to bump into someone. She stumbles a bit and she reprimands herself because this is the second time she bumped into someone this day,since when has she been this clumsy?

There is definitely something wrong with her and that disturbs her because she's never actually been sick. Remembering she bumped into someone, she looks up and opens her mouth to apologise only to be brought into a hug by a girl squealing. "Uh, hi?" she says hugging the girl back confused yet amused. The girl finally pulls back and she finally gets a good view of this girl. She's cute and adorable with her ponytail and glasses. Green eyes that gives her face an exquisite shine, she had white skin and the most radiant blonde hair, better than Jessica's anyway she thinks. 'Why am I thinking about her?' she questions herself. "I'm Samantha, I'm new and I was wondering if maybe we could be friends? I saw your shirt and I liked the colour so I just thought, hey maybe she can be my friend since I don't have any," The girl, Samantha, pauses to take a breath and Elizabeth opens her mouth to talk but is interrupted again by her voice. "Sorry, people tell me I talk a lot but I'm just nervous you know. What's your name? Can I be your friend?". Elizabeth is amusedly stunned. She couldn't believe that her day that started out so horribly could turn out so confusing at the end. It turned out good though. Good in the sense that she got a new friend today, someone who cannot shut her mouth it seems, but immensely adorable. What attracts Elizabeth most of all is how happy and carefree this girl is. Samantha seems like the type of girl that was quite clever but if you looked closely you could see she's dangerous of you mess with her. She gives off that bad guy quality. The confidence and bravery is what makes her nod her head and agree. "Yes. Of course we can be friends. Hi Samantha, I'm Elizabeth. It's nice to meet you," she says and let's out a hand to shake only to be plummeted into another hug along with a squeal. Guess she'll have to get used to this hugging.
Elizabeth this time laughs and reciprocates the hug. "We're gonna be great friends, I tell you. I know these things," Samantha says while they're walking to the next class and Elizabeth feels glad that she has someone beside her as they walk past that Cameron jerk. They're laughing and not actually looking as to where they're walking when suddenly once again she's fallen to the floor with Cameron on top of her. "Not again," she voices out loud and he cannot help but glare at her response only to glare at Jessica when she loudly voices, "Attention seeker."

And the only thing that's on Elizabeth's mind is
"What's with me and falling into people?"

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