Chapter Ten.

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Chapter 10: Let's pretend.

Elizabeth prided herself for being the type of person she is like. Without her being her, she would be a control freak like she currently is right now. She felt as if she could control all situations that presented and will present themselves in her path.
This situation however she feels defeated. She cannot control it. When she found out that they decided to get her married she instantly knew why. She understood the reason before they even explained their reasons. What she basically concluded was that her mother is sick, add on the fact that her mother doesn't believe she'll survive, also her mother wants to see her happy before she dies which equals to the conclusion that they decided to get her as much happiness as they could muster but that doesn't mean she has to agree with it.
Moreover, why did Aunty Sabrina agree to this ludicrous idea in the first place? That is another thing that confuses her. How could this benefit her?
She's brought out of her stupor by Cameron's arrival. He walks across the street with no care in the world but one look at his face tells you how conflicted he is. He looks so determined and he walks straight up to her and the next thing you know for some unknown reason, his angry with her.
"Why did you walk out like that!?". The way he yells, it's like his trying to avoid being the guilty one and Elizabeth doesn't stand for that. She knows her situation and to add onto it with this stress?
It's not worth it. Truly. It's not.
This time she's not being the quiet one, she wants to scream and she feels like everything just decided to unload suddenly. All her frustrations regarding her mom's cancer, Cameron, school, work. It's a never ending story.

His always the damn trigger.

Elizabeth holds his glare with one of her own, if not more dangerous and takes a step slowly closer to him "You don't get to ask me such questions. Do you hear me? Just because you're the fucked up dude who didn't want to shut up and listen to your mom speak! Do not pine this on me. I am so done with this fucking life and you!" she shouts and she's angry. Extremely furious.

She's not sure why the sudden outburst but damn does that feel good.

And the strangest thing occurs after that.

She's astounded.

Struck by imaginable lightning.

The next thing she knows is she feels as if she's floating on cloud nine. His lips collides with hers and it's breathtaking.

Her breaths taken from her, literally, her skin feels his warmth on her skin and she wonders if she'll ever stop blushing. Her stomach clenches in the best way possible and she has the sudden urge to just sigh and feel this contentment and safety again, everyday to be exact, it's with that thought that she steps back and out of his warm embrace. She takes a much needed breath for air or is it to calm herself? She's not sure but nevertheless she does it. "Sorry," she hears Cameron mutter. She knows she shouldn't have kissed him back because hell he has a girlfriend and they have issues they need to resolve but she's fuelled with energy and excitement she doesn't know where she got it from and she's shaking her head at what her hearts telling her to do. Her brain disagrees but damn it all she wants to kiss him again. She never gets a chance to let
go and be reckless, 'to hell with it' she thinks 'let's be reckless for once'.

His staring at her wide eyed as if he cannot believe he just kissed her again and his muttering "Sorry" with each breath and she cannot help but watch his lips and she's moving forward once again into his embrace and she relishes in the fact that for once she literally stole his breath away. She feels him pull her closer, kissing her harder. His hands is suddenly in her hair pulling her head closer, if that's even possible given the fact that they're unbearably close as it is. Her hands find their way into his hair while his lands on her back pulling her closer. 'Damn he can kiss' she thinks and its the first time she actually analyses his kiss, the other kiss the other day was okay but this, this is fucking fireworks. She let's out what she thinks is an embarrassing moan but it just seems to spur him on. He presses her against the wall and his tongue finds it's way into her mouth and she needs to breath but doesn't want to at the same time.
He decides to pull away for her in the end and their foreheads meet while they're gasping for air. Reality sinks in and she's unsure as to how to feel was that kiss a vulnerability need for comfort or did she really want to be with him? "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," she tries to explain and his still trying to catch his breath that makes her quite proud of herself. "It's okay... I... Liked it," he says while breathing loud and suddenly she's sober, thinking of his girlfriend. She's so ashamed of herself that she sits, more like slides, down the wall and chastises herself. "Oh God I'm a horrible person," He sits down next to her calming her down by saying she isn't. "Listen, I know my mom and she's not going to back down from this so here's what I'm thinking: let's pretend. That way we make them both happy," says Cameron more serious than she thought he could be but then again she doesn't really know him does she? "That's a good idea Cameron but what happens when we actually have to get married? How do we pretend then?"
Her tone of voice is shaky and it immediately gets his attention right then that he faces her. She's so beautiful he thinks. It's with that thought in his mind that he says seriously.

"We don't pretend."

We don't?


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