Chapter Six.

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Chapter 6: Partners.

She was astounded by the way he was looking at her. Her heart knew him, somehow her heart knows his presence. She knows it but she won't let that happen. Not again anyway. She knows if she gives him a chance all he'll do is break her. She's been broken enough.

As she watches him kiss the foreign girl, she realises that life is extremely unfair. Her life in general never gives her a break. Her whole life consisted of disappointments and sadness, not just towards others herself included. The pain she's felt ever since she could walk and talk never ever eradicated from her life. Each and every night her decisions weighed on her mind and she cried. Her need to keep her mom safe. She cried because her decisions were wrong, cried because she couldn't handle all the responsibility and mainly because she cannot handle it and yet she has to, she has no choice. She appreciates it though because she wouldn't be the strong person she is now without that difficulties, so she as usual, fakes a smile and walks away with pain in her heart and mind. It's not anything to do with Cameron but rather that he triggered it all to flood out and she couldn't do anything but deal with it. The fact that he smirked at her and then just kissed another girl is what irks her and yet terrifies her further because what is she becoming? Will she spiral again? With that thought she tugs  her sleeves further down and hopes noone notices. She really hates guys like him, heck she's dealt with guys like that and it didn't end well for her. She lived with guys like that. She walks into her English class deep in thought and sits down as the teacher explains the work, only to be shook out of her trance when she hears the teacher explain their next dreaded task.

She just hears the words "project" and "partners". It's not that difficult to decipher what just happened. They were assigned a partner for their assignment and she's devastated to hear his her partner for the rest of the year. The words blurred once again as she got lost in her thoughts. How could they actually do this to her, she thinks. She refuses to go through with this if her partner is Cameron. This guy reminds her so much of him and she cringes because she forgot about him. It took years but she did, with much difficulty, and now she's forced to relive those memories. The dreaded words echo in her head. "Elizabeth and Cameron, you'll be partners." She looks up and catches Cameron eyes and smirk. She internally cringes and groans. "Urgh," she says as she slams her forehead against the desk.
"Fuck," she whispers. This year seems to just drag.

She arrives home to the sound of her mom coughing profusely. She's instantly running towards her moms room. Her eyes are filled with tears at the sight. She's seen her mom like this for a month and yet every time she sees her, she cries. Her heart breaks a little more each time and she's worried she won't have anymore pieces to break left. She gets her mom a glass of water and gives her her medication with a clenched feeling at her throat as she demands. "Why didn't you call me mom? I would've came immediately." Her mother calmly voices, "My Lizzy, you do so much for me and I don't want to burden you when I know I can take my medication on time." She's her mother and as much as she loves Lizzy, she hates burdening her. "No mom. I do it for you because I love you and because you carried me for nine months, took care of me and raised me," she sternly says. "And now its my turn especially when you're this sick," she hugs her mom as she cries. "I can't loose you to cancer mom, you're all I have left," she sobs and that's when she realises her heart will make room to break further.

Stupid fucking heart.

It was exactly a month ago when they found out her mom has cancer. It started out with a normal cough, then followed with another only add blood onto it. They left it considering it's normal but once Veronica, her mom, started loosing balance, weight and lost most of her energy that she fainted they immediately went to the hospital. The news shattered both of them. Their financial situation was hardly steady. When the doctor mentioned chemotherapy she immediately said, "Do anything you can to save my mom," It was followed by a "its quite expensive." They tried everything even called her deadbeat good-for-nothing dad and he really was good for nothing. That was when she had to look for work.

"Mom, I have to go work," she says as she wipes her tears. "Message me when something happens. I'll ask aunty Carli to watch you okay?" she receives a nod and proceeds to give her mom a kiss on the cheek. "Love you," she says and heads to work. She has to do this for her mom.

Has to.

Who else if not her?

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