Chapter Fourteen.

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Chapter 14: Dead.

Elizabeth woke up with a feeling of dread. It wasn't the best of feelings. Her forehead was filled with sweat that she herself doesn't know where it came from. All she knows is that her stomach aches. That feeling of it turning into knots. She realises she's anxious.

Extremely anxious.

What the hell?

She gets dressed tiredly and deems whatever she has on good enough for school. Her head aches,the stress of the past few days dwells heavy on her heart as well as her head. She cannot believe the turn her life took, just a few days ago she was a normal school girl. A normal human being that wasn't important only to skip to days later where she's arranged to marry her ex best friend?

Or is he?

Maybe she mistakenly took him as her childhood friend?

Her moms health is desperately decreasing and her heart shrinks just a bit at that thought. She literally feels the breath leave her. She doesn't understand why people just leave all the time. She heaves a heavy sigh and carries on with her day, her heart heavy, her head aching.

She is so young and yet she has to deal with this!

She feels uncertain about this day. She feels so dead today that she wonders if maybe,just maybe she should be a cold hearted bitch today...

She's brought out of her decision making when she almost collides into another car. She's rolling down the window so she could apologise, guess being a cold hearted bitch is out of the equation she thinks when she sees the most handsome blue eyes staring at her and she's a bit dumbfounded at the handsome guy that the lovely eyes belongs to, "I'm ... sorry" she stutters, flabbergasted really, "I truly am".

The gorgeous guy smiles and damn does this guy really exist? How is it possible for him to get more handsome just by smiling?.

"It's okay,I hope you're okay. Seems like you're having a rough day" he smiles again. She blushes and looks down shyly only to realise she's being rude so she looks back up and says, "you could say that yeah".

He nods and damn why is he so beautiful? "I'm Steven, and I hope your day improves." he says and she smiles and reciprocates by saying "Elizabeth and Thank you Steven."

What a kind stranger.

It definitely did when you arrived, she thinks.

He restarts his engine and rolls his window back up only to roll it back down and say "It was nice meeting you Elizabeth!" and with that he drives off leaving a smiling Elizabeth behind.

Elizabeth decides that maybe just maybe her day won't be as bad.

Her decision unfortunately doesn't play out because it definitely gets bad.

She arrives at school in at least a kind of happy spirit only to see Cameron slump down at his locker. She realises that maybe no one else but her can read him as well as she can,and that realisation struck her as bad but she doesn't pay that thought to mind,what's important is that she realises that something is wrong. His slumber changed drastically since the last time she saw him, his eyes,if you look closely, lost its light and the marks under his eyes indicating the lack of sleep is quite evident. He just plainly looks down and she feels her little spirit deflate at his state. She doesn't understand why but her body suddenly feels as if she died with the part of him that died. It tears at her heart strings and adds more stress onto her. She tears her eyes away from the scene as soon as he catches her eye. She swears that when she caught his eyes that it screamed for help,which only confused her more.

She arrives at class literally feeling drained and yet she can't help but worry about Cameron. She looks around the classroom for him and is once again struck by how depressed he looks.

She realises with a heavy heart that she genuinely cares about him.

Previously she made excuses that he is her would-be-husband and that she has to care for him but with the way her heart is beating and the way her whole body feels for him,she realises that she actually genuinely no lie likes him and that

that statement oh it could kill her.

She's halfway dead already...

She finds him at lunch in a classroom,not that she was looking for him, and with courage she herself never knew she had,walks up to him and stabs him in the chest with her finger "Why the hell are you sad!?" She screams as if he made her angry,as if he did anything to her in this day. He replies with a incredulous "what the hell!?" as he steps back from her assault.

She feels as if everything suddenly weighing on her needs to come loose so she takes a step forward and prods his chest once more,"whole day you've been depressed. Sad. Its killing me! Why are you sad?" She heaves and he realises that she must've really been worked up over this.

His honestly quite shocked she knew he was feeling out of sorts. His more shocked though at her confession and maybe she didn't realise she admitted such a huge ass thing but he won't ever forget.

It's killing me.

It's killing her? Did that mean she harboured at least an ounce of feelings for him?

Maybe, maybe not but suddenly his angry at himself, for falling for her. At her for making her feel something for him.

He pushes her back from him and heaves back "None. Of. Your. Business" each word with a further step towards her. His quite star struck at her strength in the next moment because she takes a step forward, instead of back and demands "Tell me so I can stop feeling so down" she slumps down,the anger energy suddenly fading and his broken its gone because it suddenly replaced his anger with sadness for her. "Tell me so that this ...this ache I feel can go away. Why do I feel like this?"

She whispers with frustrated tears and his suddenly aware of their proximity so he pulls her up into his arms and just hugs her. "My dad is coming today and I don't think its going to end well" he whispers. He soaks in her warmth and realises he needs her strength as much as she needs his,so he hugs her just a bit more tight. As as she hugs him back he realises that maybe, just maybe, this whatever it is that they are becoming is life's way of making his life okay.

Of making him okay.

He feels the tension suddenly fading and his okay.

His okay.

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