chapter 4:

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      The bell rang and everyone left. I have math with Mrs. Ruby. I thought walking out of class as well. Walking into Mrs. Ruby's class, I spotted a very familiar face. Pallete! I thought to myself mentally squealing. I quitly walked behind him and covered his eye sockets. "Guess who." I whispered. Pallete rised up and tackled me. "Gosh (y/n) I missed you so much." He said smothering me in kisses. We got up and sat down in our seats. "So, how's Goth, still a bookworm?" I asked Pallete as he nodded. "And are you still ticklish." Pallete said as he tickled me. " PFThahahahaha!" I laughed. I quickly got out of his grip and tickled him wai-hahahaha!" Pallete laughed as well. The bell rang and through out the class,Pallete was holding my hand like we always use to do when we were little.
   I remember us going to the zoo."*Gasp* look at that panda!" I yelled getting the attention of my friends. Goth and Pallete ran over to see it. " Do you know panda's have thumb like us?" Goth said looking at me. I shook my head no and looked at the panda. Bears were my favorite animal especially panda's. As we looked at the panda, we were all holding each other's hands. We was having a good time at the zoo. We all got our favorite stuffed animals. Goth had a polar bear and Pallete had a grizzly bear. We looked at each other's animals and laughed. Mrs. Percile, my mom's friend took us to her sewing shop. She said she had a surprise for us. She gave me two stuffed toys that looked like Pallete and Goth. Goth had me and Pallete had me and Goth. After that we all went home. Mrs. Percile had to babysit me since my parents were always on business trips.
    After Math class was lunch. Pallete wanted me to meet some of his friends. Fresh, alphis, papyrus, napstablook, quil, and Cil. I saw Dust, so I invited him over. We talk until we heard some commotion in a corner. It was really crowded, but it was enough to see what was going on. It was two skeletons threatening a purple cat. One had a crack on his skull holding an axe and the other had no pupils in his eye sockets. The one with the axe was about to hurt the poor cat. I Panicked as my Heart raced. I had to do something, so I did what the crowd wouldn't do.... I saved the cat girl. Me her landed on the ground as the crowd gasped in shock. "A-are you okay?!" I said in a Panicked    manner. She nodded as her shaking body looked at me. "Hey what's going on over there!" A teacher yelled from across the cafeteria. When they saw what was going on, they send the two skeletons to detention. I picked up the cat girl up and walked her to the nurse's office. I was about to open the door until I saw a note that said "out on lunch."   I then sat the cat down and took out a safety pin to pick the lock. When I did, I open the door and picked up the cat and placed her and the bed. I checked for injuries. There was a cut on her right leg. I cleaned before I put a bandage on it. "You're very generous." The cat girl said looking away from me. "T-thanks, I'm (y/n)." I said "Lilian." She replied looking at me. "Can we be friends?" Lilian asked I nodded. As we went back to the cafeteria, Lillian clinged to my arm the whole time which didn't bother me. "This is Lilian." I stated as Lilian got closer to me. I looked at Pallete and his eye socket was twitching a few times. Lunch was over and Lilian wouldn't let go of my arm. I literally had to pry her off and tell her that I would see in 8th period. Now I have language arts with miss May. Walking to class, I saw two familer skeletons. Fell Goth and fell Pallete. I thought getting nervous.
   I remember the time they kidnap me. "Where's Goth and Pallete?" I asked them "we're Goth and Pallete." They said blocking me into a wall.  "(Y/n)!" Someone yelled. It was Pallete and Goth. I ran over to them. "Sorry (y/n). We would like you too meet our cousin's. Fell Goth and Fell Pallete." Goth said pointing to the two. I nervously laughed slowly hiding behind Pallete holding his hand. "Don't worry doll, we won't bite yet." Fell Goth said. The next day, we all went to the park to play. I was on the swing. Every now and then I would get off and mess Goth and Pallete, but not Fell Goth and Fell Pallete. As Goth and Pallete were playing on the other side of the park, those two tied me up and dragged me to me, Goth, and Pallete's treehouse. "You guys have a nice treehouse." Fell Pallete said. They then bit me and scary part was that their bites we're glowing green and red. Later on Goth and Pallete found us and forbide them to come around me when they visit. We would still see them around school though.

     I walked into class and avoided eye contact. They must of knew it was me because they walked right over to me and sat down. " Well well well. Isn't this little (y/n), Goth?" Fell Pallete asked looking at me. "I'm pretty sure it is." Fell Goth replied. Oh no. I thought as they smirked at me.

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