chapter 5:

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      Through out the class they kept messing with me. They were especially fiddling with my (h/c) hair. I started to fidget a bit. You look nervous.  Fell Goth wrote on some paper. They knew they wouldn't get in trouble if we were at the back of the class. To be honest I didn't want to seat back there, but they insisted. They then started holding my hands. I felt so helpless. Everytime I would take my hands back, they would squeeze my hand to make me stop struggling. When class was over I without thinking springed up and ran out of class. Two hands then stopped me. "So what class you have?" Fell Goth asked "P.E." I replied above a whisper "Dang." They both said in unsion putting me down. I quickly walked away. Yet there was still someone in my way.That was Cil's brother, PJ. "(y/n) isn't it?" PJ said blocking me from getting to class. PJ then shove a purple folder in my hands. "Anyway do my work nerd or else." He said and walked away. I sighed walking to the girls locker room. Then I was almost tackled to the ground. "(Y/n)!" Lilian said in a cheerful manner. I patted her head as we both got up and entered the girls locker room. "S-so you have P.E?" I asked her "yep. I'm so glad I do." She said. I started changing into my gym clothes. When we were done we headed to the gym and there stood PJ. Talking to his friends and enjoy every moment of their conversation. Whenever one of the jocks would come near me, Lilian would hiss or threatened to scratch there eyes out. Pretty much P.E started like the other classes. "Alright maggots! Ten laps around the court!" Coach Error yelled. I sighed as I got up and started running. In less then two minutes I finished and Coach said I could shoot some hoops. PJ finished shortly after and started shooting after. Every now and then then he would glance at me. What seemed liked forever, the bell rang. Science was now next. I sighed walking to class after getting changed. I sat down and just imagined myself being some kind of hero like on Netflix. "Hi." someone said sitting down beside me. It looked like a sciency skeleton. "Hello." I said  "I'm science." I said waiting for me to state my name. " I'm (Y/n)." I told him.

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