chapter 10:

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"where's Unfresh?" I asked looking around. "He went back to his place." Mr. Nightmare answered. Mr. Dream looked mad. He suddenly started squishing my cheeks like a pillow. "Brother how can you be so bored looking a this adorable face?" Mr. Dream questioned. Why do people think I'm adorable? I thought as Mr. Nightmare looked at me then walked out mumbling something I couldn't hear. "From now on. You'll be living with us okay little cutie?" Mr. Dream questioned smiling at me. I nodded my head getting out of bed. "You can decorate this room if you want." He said and closed the door. To be honest I wasn't gonna question how I got here. I soon started to working on my room.

After emptying four suit cases I still had one left suit case full of clothes

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After emptying four suit cases I still had one left suit case full of clothes. Oh my stars! I almost forgot. I then pulled out my stuffed panda along with Goth and Pallette. I sighed finally done with my now new room. "(Y/n) it's time for dinner." Mr. Nightmare said "Okay thank you Mr. nig-" before I could finish Mr. Nightmare interrupted. "You can call me Nighty." He mumbled turning away from me. I smiled walking towards the door. "Okay Nighty." I said walking out my room. I soon found myself in the what I assume living room. Mr. Dream then popped his skull out of the kitchen. "(Y/n), sweetheart, the kitchens over here." He said holding up a spoon.
After eating, I wanted something sweet, so when Nighty left, "Hurry eat this popcicle before my brother comes back." Mr. Dream whispered handing me a yellow lemon favored popcicle. I gladly took it mouthing thank you. I sneakily walked to my room sucking on the my cold treat. I entered my room closing the door behind me. I didn't know today would turn out so good and bad at the same time. I wonder what Mr. Dream's nickname is. Dream? I thought after finishing the popcicle. Soon realizing I had a sticky face. After getting that done, I decided to take a shower and read till I slept.
Waking up, I could feel the warmth of someone. I opened my eyes to see That it was Nighty and I was in his room. I tried to getting out, but he gripped me tighter and mumbled something to himself. The door opened showing Mr. Dream. "M-M-M-MR. Dream help." I said in embarrassment. I could see his left eyesocket twitch as he woke up his brother. "Brother, you're snuggling (y/n)." Mr. Dream said. Nighty opened his eyesocket and they suddenly got wider as he let me go. "Sorry I-I sleep walk s-sometimes." I protested getting up.
Mr. Dream and Mr. Nightmare's cooking is awesome and Mr. Dream said I could call him Dreamy. Now I'm in their car and we're going to school. Getting off. A familiar cat tackled me to the ground. "(Y/n), I thought you were kidnapped!" Lilian yelled as she hugged me tighter to her chest. I could hear her purr which was calming in a way. For a sec she stopped purring and picked me up taking me to my first period class.

💮💮💮(That's a lot of timeskips!)

Lunch started and luckily Dreamy gave me a bento to eat today. How does he know I like Japan! Anyway I snuck up to the roof and ate. Someone then opened the door revealing Bunny and some other girls. "Hello." I said looking away from them. "I'm curious. What do they see in that?" Bunny asked her crew. "Well she does look kawaii." One of them answered as she quickly covered her mouth. "Yeah I'm going to ruin that pretty little face of yours. Maybe they won't like you as much." Bunny said. I closed my eyes waiting for pain to strike me in the cheek, but it didn't. I opened my eyes to see Dust had taken the hit and his glasses were on the ground beside me. " Did you just Fu-(Alert! That's not a swear!)dging punch me?" He growled. Bunny and them ran away as Dust pulled out a pocket knife. He turned around to see me looking at him. He suddenly glared at me making me flinch a bit. "Hmm. You don't seem afraid of." Dust said without stuttering which I found very odd. I shook my head picking up his glasses and handing it out to him. He snatched it away putting the pocket knife back in his pocket. "You're so lucky I don't feel like killing right now." He said putting his glasses on. Dust blinked a few times before looking at me. His eyesockets widen and he back away from me. "(Y-y/n)?!" He yelled. Why is he so confused and- wait is that a skull that looks like papyrus?! I thought looking at it. "W-what?" Dust asked. I pointed to the floating skeleton."W-Wait, you s-see him?" Dust asked surprised. "Yes." I replied turning the awkward moment into a hug. Dust then hugged me back like the world was going to end. Wait his personality change does that mean he has a split personality?! I thought finally processing and realizing what just happened. "Does anyone k-know you have a-a split personality?" I asked "No n-not really. P-people think I'm c-crazy cause I can s-see my dead brother a-and they can't, but y-you can." Dust said hugging me lighter. He then let me go."Papyrus say hi." He said to his brother. He brother then appeared in front of me waving. "Hello." He replied cheerfully trying to touch my shoulder. I laughed a bit as he tried doing so. well today was interesting! I thought telling papyrus he needed to concentrate on what he wanted to do.

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