Chapter 14:

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"oh my gosh! That witch!" Pallette yelled on the phone. I assumed that everyone was on Pallette's phone because I could hear things in the background. I could also hear Horror saying My kitten!I didn't know Horror had a kitten. "Guys I-I thinks she's gonna s-sell me." I whispered on the phone. Mom was out so this gave me an advantage at least for a little. " Don't worry (n/n). She can't be that evil. Parents care about their children  10 % of the time, but your mom I would say 5% because she didn't beat you while trying to do your hair or brought over random guys to ra-" before sci could finish the phone was snatched away. I could hear something about being innocent and cinnamon rolls. " Sorry we had to talk to Sci for a minute. Anyways hang up before your mom unexpectingly come back."Goth said "okay see you guys." I said hanging up. As soon as I did that the door opened revealing my mother with an happy face. "She's right there." Mom said pointing at me. Two people walked in. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Lilian,Okisaki, and Tokisaki. "Sweety!" They said in synced running over to me.  "Why are you guys here? Where's my other friends?" I said surprise I wasn't stuttering. " You don't need them sweetheart heart you have us now to care for." Lilian answered hugging me along with Tokisaki and Okisaki. I felt like they were squeezing the air out of me. They finally let me go. "Here's your reward." Okisaki said. Tokisaki covered my eyes as I heard a gun shot. I yelped of how loud it was. "Serves you right. Here give her this." I heard Lilian giggled. I then felt a prick on my arm. I was dizzy and my body felt heavy. Everything went black.


I woke up, but all I saw was Okisaki's  face close to mine. Felt blood rush up my face. It was embarrassing of how close he was. "Good morning sweetheart. Lunch is ready." He cheered getting away from me. I got up only to realize that both my hands are tied together and my legs were tied to the bed frame. "Open wide." He said with a spoon full of vegetable soup. If I don't eat he might force me to or I might die of hunger and thirst. There's no reason to be stubborn (y/n). I thought as I opened my mouth. After I was fed, Okisaki got up to put the bowl away. "Why?" I asked out of nowhere. Okisaki turned around. "Because we care for you as much as Goth, Pallette, and the other dumb skeletons." He replied "But how did you guys meet Lilian?" I questioned loud enough. oh no I'm turning shy again and On top of that in front of my kidnappers and the ones who killed my mom! "Well when you moved, we couldn't help stalking you. Then we saw Lilian watching you from behind a bush while you were walking home. Tokisaki was like why not." Okisaki rambled. So that feeling that I was being was them? I thought. Okisaki then left. Even if I am angry, I can't bring myself to hurt anyone. Especially if it's someone I know. Lilian then came in with a pink phone. "Hello cupcake! We're gonna send a little message to your so called friends!" She said happily.


"What?!" Edge yelled looking at the news.  The news said they found Mrs. (L/n) dead with a gunshot wound to the head and (y/n) was missing. Everyone was at Nightmare and Dream's house. "This is bad guys." Sci said. He was back because he heard that (y/n)'s mom accused Nightmare and Dream of kidnap. Then Pallette's phone started to ring. It was on video call. "Who is this?" He asked. Everyone was quiet. "P-Pallette." A  familiar faint voice said. "Hold on guys." Sci said pulling out a cord so he could connect the phone to the TV. "Hey you pathetic excuse of skeletons." Lilian said. Right beside her was (y/n). Everyone jolted up. "What do you want from her?!" Goth said as anger filled his voice. "Guys she wants (y/n) to love her." Ink confessed. "Bingo! We have her all to ourselves now." Lilian cheered "What do you mean "we"?" Nightmare asked "There's also these twins named-" before she could finish, edgy Goth said, "Okisaki and Tokisaki." He growled remembering how they would always see them tagging behind (y/n). Even at her house. "Tch. Those dumb twins." Edgy Pallette growled. "Bye." Lilian said as she kissed (y/n)'s cheek right before hanging up. (Y/n) was there's. They agreed to share her equally. They were gonna find the people who were apart the kidnap and kill them.

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