chapter 6:

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       After science was over, it was free time, so I decided to go to the library. I know Goth is gonna be there and I'm planning on sneaking up on him. Entering the library, I spotted Goth in no time reading a book. I slowly crept up behind him and hugged him. "Hello ya little bookworm." I said giggling. "(Y/n) you goof." He whispered as he got out of my grasp and hugged me also smothering me in kisses. He soon let me go picking up the book he was reading and placing it down on the table. "How was your day?" He asked "Well I made new friends, made new bullies, met fell Goth and Pallete, met Pallete, and the teachers kept looking at me. I guess it was good." I responded with a smile.  We then talked til the bell ranged. "Here's my phone number and here's Pallete's." He said with a smirk. He knew I loved prank calls. "Okay bye Gothy." I said walking out the library. "Mrs. (L/n)?" A teacher said  I turned around to see the teacher was grabbing  the two skeletons that tried to kill Lillian by the shoulders. I gulp. "These two wants to say something to you." The teacher said looking at them "we're sorry." They both Said in unsion "i-its okay." I said "And your going to tutor these two starting tomorrow." The teacher stated walking away with them. Aw fudge! I thought. I wasn't good at tutoring people so I'm gonna have to ask Goth how to tutor people.

    Walking home, I felt like I was being watched from every corner. Which made me pick up the pace. "Sup *hiccup* cutie." Someone said from behind me. I turned around to see a guy with a bottle in his hand and three other guys. I tried to ran, but one of them grabbed me by my waist. "L-let go!" I yelled struggling "calm down we just want to take you somewhere." They growled. Then all of the sudden, the one that had me, was punched by someone. I was then pulled towards the person that punched the man. "Tick off ya slobs." The person snapped as the men ran off. I looked up to the edgy skeleton that was on the bus. " Thank you." I said in a shaky voice. "My name's  edgy fresh." The skeleton known as edgy fresh said "(y/n)." I replied. I then yelped as edgy fresh picked me up and took me to my house. "Give me your keys." He said putting me down. I then gave him my keys as he unlocked the door. I Went inside as he lock the door behind me. " Wha-what are you d-doing?!"  I stuttered fidgeting around. "I'm staying here for tonight to keep you protected till your parents come back." He responded "They're not coming back until next month." I mumbled walking upstairs to change into my pajamas and do pj's homework. What a weird day.

( I might make pictures for these chapters. And using my oc. Bye!)

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