Chapter 8:

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 (... Aaaaaaahh! Those comments make me so happy! I almost exploded in joy.)
     Ink sighed happily looking at (y/n). It was free time and (y/n) decided since she wasn't tutoring with horror and Dust today, she would draw. Out of all of her friends she chose to draw Ink. He sat in a chair with his left hand (?) on his soft boney cheek while smiling. "Done." (Y/n) replied putting her watermark mark on the side of the paper. "Let me see." Ink said walking over to her. (Y/n) gave ink her sketch book and turned away in embarrassment. Ink's eye sockets widen in surprise to see such a talented girl. All he wanted to do is squeezed her and smoother her in kisses, but all he could do was give her a peck on the cheeks. (Y/n) then thought back to all the moments she was kissed. Why did they kiss me? Isn't that for couples?  She thought looking at Ink. "(Y/n) your an amazing drawer!" Ink said "U-u-uuuum M-Mr. Ink, can I maybe...hug you?" She asked whispering the last part.

   This is super embarrassing! I thought  looking away from Mr. Ink. I glanced at Mr. Ink and he was a rainbow. I shut me eyes waiting for him to call me stupid or crazy, but nothing came. I was then embraced. I squeaked in surprise. It felt so good to be hugged again. I then slowly hugged back. "You're so warm." Mr. Ink whispered in my ear as he nuzzled my neck. The bell soon ranged signaling that it was time to go. Walking home, I could feel someone staring at me, but I shrugged it off. Stopping at the gates I noticed a car in the driveway. Oh no. I thought trembling continuing to walk.  I opened the door revealing my mom grabbing unfresh by the shoulders while dad was trying to calm her down. I closed the door and all the attention was turned to me. I really did regret opening that door. "Oh the brat's  home!" Mom said cheerfully pushing edge on the floor. "Do you want to explain why this hideous monster is in my house?" Mom questions. Edge growled at her as he walked over to me. "Edge, don't." I whispered tugging on his sleeve. "I told him he could be my roomie." I spoke scared she might slap me if I didn't answer. Mom sighed Mom sighed. " Fine don't come to me when-" before she could finish, dad interrupted. " It's okay sweetheart let's go out and eat." Dad suggested. "Okay, but before we leave I want to see her grades." Mom said bluntly snatching off my backpack. She took out my report card and saw that B I made in astronomy. Mom then threw down the paper and stomped on it. " You are useless without me! Go to your room. We'll fix this tommorow." She said grabbing dad by the collar and slammed the door behind them. I was then finally able to breathe as I collasped on my knees. "Woah (y/n), she scares you that much?" Edge asked helping me up as we walk to my room. "Yes." I said sitting on my bed. Edge sat beside me.  "That pig is gonna talk to Mr. Dream tommorow." He said I was scared for Mr. Dream. She always gets her way. Last time she talked to one of my teachers they were fired because my mom lied and said they were abusing me. I started to tremble again at the thought of one of my teacher being fired for nothing. Edge then hugged me as he laid us down on the bed. "Don't worry the teacher will find a way to get out of this mess." He said placing his glasses on my night stand. I slowly felt myself drift off to sleep.
     Making sure (y/n) was sleep, Edge pulled himself away and by a snap of his fingers, (?) They were both in bed clothes. Edge started to think for for a moment. What happens if (y/n) moves again. Will that pig of a mom abuse her? What if she takes her away He thought back to the agreement he made with the others that they would her. They all felt the need to protect her from the bad world. (Y/n) was so innocent,shy, and kind. They didn't want to ruin that. They wanted to spoil her with stuff toys and chocolate and keep her in a room where no one could hurt her.
    Edge smirked tucking (y/n) and him in. Mr. Dream is probably gonna get fired tommorow. For him that meant less people to share with.

(... There's totally gonna be a book two after this...Opps>×<)

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