chapter 15:

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(how could I forget this read pretty please! Then read the second book!)

"We need you to do this okay dust?" Sci told him as he nodded his head. He walked towards the police station and took off his glasses stuffing them in his pocket. He had a lot of practice trying to control his other personality with (y/n). To his surprise his other personality has taken a liking to her. "You guys get (y/n) while me and Mr. Ink buy us a big house." Sci finished as everyone nodded and put their plans into action. Dust hide in a bush while Cil and Pallette walk in the police station. "Excuse me sir." Pallette called out to the lead officer. "Yes." The man replied "Me and my friend wanted to know about the exchange." Cil explained just like all the greedy and dirty cops, he told them. "Well that cop and I right there exchanged that kid for two hundred dollars." He said pointing to the woman with red hair. The officer thought he could get away and there was no harm in telling two brat's. He thought wrong. "Dust." Pallette yelled as they both ducked. Dust came in and shot every single one of them without hesitation. Innocent or not all he cared about was getting to (y/n). Cil then went to a computer and stuck a drive in it to give the cops a little message before leaving.


Sci figured out were the message from Lilian came from. A cabin behind Okisaki and Tokisaki's house. Horror broke down the door with an axe as the others ran into the house. Okisaki threw a knifes at them. Thankfully they managed to dodge them.(yeah I'm not  that good at describing how they fight.)


"Oh my gosh (y/n), what have they done to you?!" Mr. Dream panicked cutting (y/n) out of the ropes. "Nothing b-but soomther m-me in kisses." She replied as Dream picked her up. "What are you doing?" Lilian asked with a knife in her hand. "We're taking her back." Error said. (Author- sorry I forgot about you. Error- I hate you.) Dream teleported away as Lilian and Error began to fight. What (y/n) didn't know is that they were gonna kill Lilian, Okisaki, and Tokisaki. "Wait y-you guys don't have to fight." (Y/n) protested. Dream knew that she would say something to resolve the situation. "Sorry sweetheart but we have no choice." He said and use his magic to put her to sleep.


...They we're dead. Error crush Lilian's soul as Okisaki was chopped up by horror and Tokisaki was stabbed multiple times by edgy Goth. "Those stupid son of a-" before he could finish, he was stopped by Nightmare. "Don't say it." He warned "We're going to need a swear jar after this." Goth said before they all teleported away.

"Aright guys we bought it. It's supposed to have 14 rooms and in every room a bathroom." Mr. Ink explained getting out the keys. He opened as they all came in. Dream put (y/n) in a room and wrote her name on it in (f/c). Nightmare and Dream teleported to their house and got (y/n)'s things.

"Well that ended quite swell." Killer said sitting on the couch. "Wanna hear the news about their death's." The now satisfied Angry Dust said turning the channel. As if the TV knew what he wanted, the death's of the police officers and three kidnappers was on TV. Well not the pictures, but it was being reported. "Yeah let's get nerdy Dust back." Goth said now a little concerned. Dust growled putting on his glasses. Dust blink a few times then looked at Goth. "Yeah we did it." Goth exclaimed "As long as we stay low, they'll give up finding us." Science sighed reading a book. Ink erased the kind man who gave them the house and sci erased all signs of them even being there. They can all relaxed now knowing your safe with them. Since you were  delecate like glass they were going to treat you like one and start all over again with their lives... To be with you.

(Okay book two of this one is called "New life" thank you for your time!)

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