Chapter 13:

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"A girl named (y/n) (l/n) was kidnapped by the skeletons named Paperjam, Cil, Dream, And Nightmare. We're at their house now as the FBI sneaks up to the house." The news lady said as I saw our house live on TV! That lying- before I could finish my thoughts the door broke down. Dream and Nightmare came down. The police was about to shoot them, but I ran in front of them. "No don't!" I yelled, but it sounded more like a plea then a yell. "Hold your fire men!" The lead officer yelled. "Mr. (L/n) we need you to move." He said. I was on the verge of tears at this moment. No one I mean no one is going to hurt my friends! "No! You don't understand how hard it is to have people that trusts you, believe you, love you, and no matter what they stand up for you! If you want to shoot them, you your gonna have to shoot me because they're the only reason why I didn't kill myself." I told with nothing but anger filling my voice. By now all my tears that I've been holding in spilled down my cheeks like waterfalls. One of the officers put their weapon down and ran towards me only to be knocked out by a black tentacle from behind me. I looked back to see Nightmare covered in black goop and Dream holding a bow and arrow ready to fire at any moment.  The officer seemed to be angry at this, so they got their weapons ready to shoot my friends. "Wait!" I yelled as everyone stopped. " If I come with you, you have to promise not to arrest my friends." I mustard up the courage to say. I looked at Nightmare and Dream who seemed to be worried mouthing, 'No don't!' I gave them a smile as I walked away with the officers. I was then put in a police car as they drove towards the police station.

"They did nothing to me. They allowed me to stay after my mom kicked me out." I said a little annoyed. This officer asked the same question over a hundred times already and I gave her the same answer! "Sorry it's kinda hard not to believe that after what your mom said." The officer know a Kate told me as she got a computer out of nowhere. It was a video of my mom. "She was always a misbehaved child, so when I saw her come over with a friend I wasn't shocked. Then her friend pulled out a gun and pointed it our way telling my baby to pack her things...she did...and they baby!" She cried with her crocodile tears. I rolled my eyes as the Mrs. Kate closed the computer. "We also have the skeleton in custody." The lady said. My eyes widen as I stood up. "Don't worry. As soon as we get you to your parents, he'll be set free." Mrs. Kate said. I sighed in relief as I sat back down. Right now I would do anything to save my friends. I have a phone, so I can  asked if they're okay or tell them I'm fine. School is out, so I don't have to worry about that.


"Oh honey are you okay?!" My mother asked as she ran over to me. I looked away from her in total disgust. I walked into the house and collasped in a corner. "She probably on her period don't worry. Oh and here's your money." Mom said giving them at least a thousand bucks. She paid them to do this?! She planned this! I thought as I closed my eyes to calm down. She closed the door and walked over to me. "Since your father is in Japan doing business, he won't be able to stop me." Mom said with an evil grin on her face. (Yeah we're definitely gonna skip this abusive part!)


I fell on the floor as kneed me in the stomach. "Go clean up you need to look presentable before they get here. I don't want them killing me because I touched you." Mom growled. Presentable? I thought going into the bathroom to shower. After that, I put on the dress my mom gave me. It was white kimono with (f/c) cherry blossoms on it. She knows I'm a fan, but she never gets me what I like. I thought walking into the living room."Sit so I can do your hair brat." Mom said. She put my hair in pigtails and used a curling iron. Who is this person I'm meeting? I thought. I was more worried about my friends then myself. They make me feel good about  myself.

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