Chapter 12:

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   "Let's look at a romantic movie together!" (Y/n) yelled hugging Mr. Ink. It was funny watching The rainbow skeleton turn into an actual rainbow. She's so adorable, but... I have to give her up to those brat's she call friends. Why can't she be mine to care for?!(Author-Yeah I know I said I would only ship boys with (y/n), but it's only temporary for the story! Sans: you liar! You said- Author: I didn't promise now did I sansy?)To be honest I'm only being nice to them because (y/n) cares about them! "Lilian come sit down with us!" (Y/n) said cheerfully tugging on my skirt making me snap out of my thoughts. I sat on the couch as we watched nothing, but cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. I thought we were gonna watch something romantic! Soon (y/n) fell asleep on Danny phantom. (XD) "Alright Mrs. Blies cut the act." Mr. Ink said as we looked at each other. Wow he's good. "Alright Mr. Pedo what do you want?" I asked showing my true self. "I want you to give up. Your not gonna win." He said as he picked (y/n) and put her in the guest room beside Pj's room. He then threw me a pillow and covers. "Goodnight Mrs. Lesbian." He said turning off the lights. That little-


"(Y/n) wake up." Mr. Ink said pushing her a little. (Y/n) opened her eyes to see...her lover. Yep she's still a child. "Wanna go out for ice cream?" Ink asked. (Y/n) gasped in surprise. She thought it was their honeymoon. "Yes." She replied getting up. After she put on some clothes she felt dizzy and fainted in the middle of the room.


I woke up on the floor. "Where am I?" I asked no one in particular. The door opened revealing Lilian. She gasped and hugged me. "You're back!" She cheered then looked at my clothes. They were a bit tight on me. "You can't go out looking like a hottie take these." Lilian said giving me clothes out of nowhere. "Lilian w-where are we?" I asked getting up. "At Mr. Ink's house." She replied closing the door after Changing, I went downstairs. Thankfully it was Saturday, so I won't have to worry about school. " (Y/n) come here!" Mr. Ink called out from the kitchen. I sat at the table as he gave me my breakfast and a taiyaki fish filled with chocolate with whip cream on top. I looked at Mr. Ink as he winked and walked out of the kitchen. He new I was Japanese lover too. Where do they get this info?! After eating, I put the dishes in the sink and walked out of the kitchen. I saw that PJ was sitting on the couch watching (favorite TV show). I sat beside him and looked at it as well not thinking about how he was a bully at school. "You like (f/t/s) too?" PJ asked as I nodded. "I like when (character) goes with (character)." I mumbled "Yeah their ship name is (a ship name)." He said "yep they're lovely together." Someone said from behind us. It was Cil! "So you guys want to go to the park with me?" He asked "Sure." I said getting up "Yeah I got time to kill." PJ said getting up as well. "Maybe we can get ice cream on our way there." Cil said opening the door.

Cil had chocolate and vanilla, PJ had strawberry, and I had (f/f). "Hey Cil come play with us!" I heard some people say. PJ was playing basketball with a few people, so I guess he's gonna go play too. "Okay! I'll be back (y/n)." Cil said walking towards the field. Luckily for me before Lilian left to go home she gave me a sketch book and some color pencils. Out of everything that happened to me I still felt like someone was watching me. "Hey hot stuff." I heard a man say. I looked to see three guys in suits. Oh no. Thought as I tried to run, but one of them caught my arm. "PJ, Cil, help!" I yelled struggling. They then threw me in a van. The van didn't move as I heard fighting outside and a... Baseball hit?  The van door opened revealing PJ and Cil holding a baseball bat. I got out of the van only to be hugged by them. Cil was mumbling things at a fast rate, so I didn't know what he was talking about."Do you know who might of wanted to kidnap you?" PJ asked letting me go. I nodded "My mom." I told them "Bet she realized your too cute to give away cause if I were your parents I would give you anything you want." Cil said "So you would spoil her to death." PJ explained "Yep." Cil answered popping the "p" which made me giggle a little. "Let's take you home." They said in synced "We totally jinxed each other." Cil said.

As we Dream opened the door he gasped. Okay what happened to me? I thought as I was dragged in.


Why does she want me now? Is she spying on me and hates that I'm having fun or is it because of her popularity? I thought turning the channel. I couldn't believe what I saw next.

(I think I did a good cliffhanger!)

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