Chapter 21 - Fun With Snow

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"Peridot! Lapis!" Steven called out from outside the barn "I'm here to check on you guys, can I come in?"

Peridot got up from the bed and went to open the barn's door. "Hey Steven, come in quickly before the snow gets in." Steven came in, he was covered up well with a big coat and gloves, Peridot closed the door behind him as he entered. I waved at Steven from where I was, "hey Steven, how are you" I said to him.

"I'm fine, kinda cold actually. I came by to tell you guys about the weather" he said sitting down on the couch. "Yea we know already, it's full of snow outside" Peridot said brushing off snow off her head. "Yea I know but it's not going to leave any time soon. I saw the weather channel and there's going to be a snowstorm." Peridot looked at Steven confused.

"You're telling me that it's going to get worse?" Peridot said. Steven nodded "yea, that's why I came by to check on you two. Do you need anything before it hits?" Peridot shook her head "no not really...what about you Lapis" Peridot said facing me.

"Maybe extra covers will be fine, I don't want Pumpkin to be cold" I said petting Pumpkin's head. "Yea I guess some blankets will be fine" Peridot told Steven, "alright then, I'll go and get that then, I'll be back in a flash...not really it's pretty cold outside." Steven left back to his house to get us what we needed.

Peridot walked back to me and sat down on the bed, "this planet sure has weird things in it" she said. I smiled "it sure does" I lifted my arm up "come, let's get warm." Peridot slowly made her way in, when she did she cuddled with me. We both just laid on the bed, pumpkin was sleeping peacefully next to us as well.

We patiently waited for Steven to come back, however Peridot started to lose it "what's taking so long?" She said. "Give him a break, I'm sure it's not easy to walk in all that snow."

Peridot got up again "I'm going to go and check" she said walking over to the door. She slowly opened it and stepped outside. I watched her go out, "Peridot close the door when you're done" I said.

The door closed but Peridot didn't come in "Peridot?" I said. No answer got me a bit worried "hey Peridot" I called out for her one more time. Still got no answer so I carefully got up trying not to wake up Pumpkin. I walked over to the door and opened it slowly, snow flew right on my face, the cold hit me making me shiver. I looked around, our crops were covered in snow, our pool was frozen and mostly everything was covered in snow.

I then saw Peridot standing just a few feet away. I walked up to her "Peridot what are you doing? You had me worried!" I grabbed her shoulder. Peridot looked at me "sorry Lazuli, it's just....I'm observing the snow. Who knew such planet could produce such thing." I looked around once more, she was right. It did look pretty though, also cold "hey, do you want to go and explore?" I told Peridot.

Peridot looked at me "you sure? What about Pumpkin?"

"Don't worry about her, she's asleep. We'll be back in time before she wakes up" I said smiling. I grabbed Peridot's hand "c'mon let's go."

Peridot let me pull her around, she looked around "wait...I know this route, are we going to..." I looked at her and nodded "yea, we're going to the forest. I want to see how much it changed" Peridot smiled. We continued walking there, it was a bit hard because of all the snow, it covered most of the trail so we had to try hard and remember where it was.

When we finally got there we looked around "look Peridot! Look how much snow there is" I said picking up snow. Peridot smiled "yea, there seems to be lots of it everywhere, even the trees heh. Ya know, snow isn't that bad it's actually pre-" Peridot was cut off by the snowball I thew at her. The snowball hit her face making her flinch "haha think fast" I said laughing, "oh thats what we're doing? Hehe" Peridot grabbed snow and made snowballs.

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