Chapter 25 - Merry Christmas🎄

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(Kyanite Pov)

I was shocked, how could there be another gem out here. She isn't even a crystal gem, "I won't hurt you, I promise" I kneeled down, "just tell me, what are you doing here?"

Basalt stared at me with fear. She probably still didn't believe me. "How am I so sure, you're not going to hurt me? You poofed my friends!" She said with tears in her eyes.

"Wait, what friends?" I said puzzled.

She slowly pointed at the gem that was bubbled on the floor, "you poofed them. They didn't even do anything" her tears fell down her face.

"The corrupted gems? They're dangerous! They need to be poofed, and captured" I explained.

She shook her head "no they are not. They were defenceless, and you hurted them."

"We need to. That way they won't hurt anybody else."

Basalt just cried. She looked lost, broken, and with no hope.

"It doesn't matter anymore, I've lost everything. My ship, my friends, my home. I can't do anything right!" Basalt shouted.

Ship? That can only mean one thing. Homeworld....

They're coming!

No they can't. We defeated thier Quartz.

But what if they come?!

No it's fine.

We need to leave.

No! Our home is here. Remember?

I fell to my knees. I touched my head, "ugh, no it can't be. T-They don't know we're here" I gasped hard.

Basalt just looked at me confused, "a-are you ok?" She asked.

I sighed, "I'm fine" I got back up. "Please. I need you to answer my questions. Where did you come from, and where are you headed."

Basalt looked down, but then looked back up at me, "I came from homeworld."

I cringed at the thought.

"I was a messenger gem for a few thousand years. But after the war, everything went into chaos. Pink diamonds shattering caused pain, and suffering. Gems went into war, forcing all gems to fight, I didn't want to though. I hated it."

"I then heard about a new rebellion, they supposedly shattered everyone, and everything in thier way. I was just too scared to even stay in homeworld, so I took a ship, and arrived at earth. I thought I was safe here but I was wrong. The diamond blast, caused lots of gems here to get corrupted. I unfortunately was one of the gems that didn't make it back in time. Fortunately though, I survived the blast. I hid in the kindergarten, and I protected myself by hiding in a hole, covering myself from the impact."

I sat down in silence. "All that happened?" I said in disbelief.

Basalt nodded, "yes, all that happened. After the blast, I tried going back to homeworld, but I was greeted by Quartz guards. They led me to the diamonds, they told me I was a traitor for leaving, and not fighting the war. As much as I wanted to tell them the truth they simply ignored, they sentenced me to get shattered. I was scared, I didn't want to die. So I somehow sneaked away into a ship, and flew away. Ever since I've been on the run, searching for a home. I visited all kinds of planets, I then finally decided to come to earth again, after thousands of years."

Basalt looked down again, "that's when it happened. I was hit by a homeworld ship, I think it was a rescue ship. My ship crashed, thank the stars they didn't follow me though or else I wouldn't be here today" Basalt stood up, and looked around, "earth sure did change alot. It's been so long since I've been here."

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